Princess Against the World

Chapter 6699 Can’t go back-1

The long-lost air fills your mouth and nose, refreshingly.

"Are you okay?" Feng Chenglin waved his hand in front of his eyes: "I guess your body is weak and you will be dragged down. Fortunately, I entered the water early and took action in time to pull you... "

No one thought that there were whirlpools under the water.

When Feng Chenglin entered the water, he was almost dragged directly into the bottom.

Simply, he used his beast-like strength to break free from the vortex and get out in time.

Dingmiao took two deep breaths, turned over and sat on the edge of the boat: "Where's Miss Ling? Isn't Miss Ling here yet?"

He looked in the direction of the black hole.

Ling Luoyu was no longer on the boat over there.

Feng Chenglin also noticed: "Hey, when did the Third Young Master disappear?"

Immediately, he waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't worry, we all have been dragged into the water, and she will be fine..."

With Ling Luoyu's cultivation level, it would have been a black hole's blessing if he didn't turn things upside down.


After sinking into the water, Ling Luoyu also felt the tearing force coming from underneath.

She struggled and rushed to the water above.

But, the next second——

She suddenly stopped and looked down at her feet thoughtfully.

Below the feet, the river was so dark that it was difficult to see clearly.

The tearing force under his feet came again.

This time, she did not struggle, but followed the tearing force and fell into the depths.

The pressure on the dark river water was increasing, and it was gradually getting colder.

She couldn't help but frown, and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly: She originally thought that there was another world under the river.

Unexpectedly, it was just ordinary water.

Maybe it was because I was too nervous during this period that I made such a mistake.

Treading the water hard, she swam upward.

But at the moment when he raised his head, there seemed to be a light flashing out of the corner of his eye.

She stopped and looked down.

Sure enough, there was a little light under her feet.

how come?

Why is there light here?

With the doubts in my heart, the light below seemed to be getting brighter and brighter.

She looked up and saw that the figures of Feng Chenglin and Dingmiao were vaguely visible on the water.

As long as she exerts a little more force, she can see them.

After a moment of hesitation, Ling Luoyu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Let the tearing force under her feet drag her down deeper into the abyss.

In the abyss, the light is also expanding little by little.

In the end, it turned into a blurry picture - a black hole! !

This black hole is exactly the same as the black hole we just saw.

It's just that it's clearer here.

Looking down from a high position, she had an intuition——

As long as she didn't struggle and allowed this force to pull her down, she could pass through the black hole and return to the world she once was.

The prosperity within reach... is right in front of you.

In an instant, she can return to the life she is familiar with!

That's her home!

It's her origin!


I don't know why, but Ling Luoyu feels inexplicably unfamiliar with that home and that world.

Everything she once knew no longer belongs to her.

Here, there are people she loves, everything she cares about, and her unfinished mission.

The black hole is right in front of you, and the world inside is so clear and familiar, as if everything... is at your fingertips.

As long as she thinks about it, she can end everything here and return to her previous life.

And I don't know when, the tearing force under my feet disappeared.

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