Princess Against the World

Chapter 6709 Can’t go back-11

Of course, he couldn't accept from the bottom of his heart what Mrs. Green... had done.

However, when others questioned Mrs. Green and Gu Lan, he still couldn't help but jump out and defend the original image left by his wife!

Jin Daniu coughed and sat down next to the old man with the knife, looking like a big brother: "Actually, you really don't need to be like this. No matter what your wife did in the past, it has nothing to do with you. Besides, Things in the past are all in the past, and if you bring it up now, it is just a topic. Does right and wrong have any meaning to you? "

Dingmiao nodded: "Actually, what we are more concerned about now is Gu Lan. How much do you know about this person?"


"Of course, you can ignore the things about him and your wife and pretend that we don't know anything and have never heard of it."

Feng Chenglin glanced sideways at him calmly: ...You don't need to explain things so clearly that you don't want to know about, right? !

He also wants to hear some gossip!

Someone persuaded the old knife-carrying customer to relax a little.

He lowered his head and suddenly smiled as he didn't know what he thought of.

"Speaking of which, it's the same thing. My wife has been missing for so many years. The past events are just past events. If you listen to it, it shouldn't be important. It's just..."

It just... destroyed the beautiful image of his master's wife in his heart.

However, if others don’t say anything, won’t this image be destroyed?

Just because others don't say it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

At most, he is covering his ears, deceiving himself and others, and pretending not to know anything.

What about the facts?

What was supposed to happen, happened!

What others should have heard has been heard.

Even if he doesn't say anything, he can't restore his wife's reputation.

"I don't want to say it, but I feel aggrieved by Master. After the master passed away, Master was left a widow. It can be said that she was the only one who raised these disciples up through all kinds of hardships..."

He sighed, feeling helpless.

"Actually, it is her freedom and her right to whom she wants to marry, whether to remarry, or to marry any man... We have no right to interfere..."

The other three people immediately looked at each other.

——No right to interfere?

Then why are you still here?

Maybe, what happened between Gu Lan and Madam Lu back then was caused by these unhappy apprentices.

Forget it, this is someone else's boudoir secret.

It’s better to be smaller in your gossip heart.

"That guy named Gu Lan suddenly appeared in our weapon refining sect. When he appeared, he looked like an ordinary young man..."

Recalling what happened back then, the knife-wielding old guest looked a little subtle.

"He said he wanted to build a heaven-defying artifact and came to our refining gate... At that time, I was the one who received him..."

In the memory of the knife-wielding old customer, Gu Lan was about the same age as himself.

It's just that she is much more handsome than him.

At that time, he had no other thoughts about Gu Lan, thinking that he was just an ordinary young man who came to ask for the artifact.

But after he talked with his wife, he realized that things were not as simple as he thought.

Because, since meeting Gu Lan, Master's wife has undergone some changes in her whole person.

"Many years later, I learned that when Gu Lan met Master's wife for the first time, he directly named her and said that he wanted the laws of heaven and earth..."

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