Princess Against the World

Chapter 6745 I knew he had a backup plan -6

"It's okay, they just watched a play... but accidentally fell asleep while watching the play."

Jin Daniu said it lightly, but the knife-wielding old guest knew clearly in his heart——

"Jin Daniu, it must be you..."

Seriously, this seemingly inconspicuous old man can actually do this? !

It really shocked him.

"By the way, how did you make them fall asleep? Could it be... that there was something drugged in the wine?"

Strange, he also drank something, why didn't he fall asleep? !

Could it be that that thing is still picking on people! ?

Or is it that Jin Daniu has a special way of poisoning, so that he can do it without even noticing it?

Jin Daniu smiled very proudly: "Brother Dao, they are just asleep, what kind of ability is this? I have greater abilities for you..."

"...What else do you want to do?"

"We need to ask them something else while they are asleep..."

The old customer with the knife was even more confused and looked at him confused: "What do you mean?"

While these two people are sleeping... ask for something?

How to ask?

Time travel into their dreams? ?

"How much do you know about the inner and outer cities of the shrine? In other words, if there is anything you want to know, we can ask them!"


Seeing that the old man with the knife still looked confused, Jin Daniu simply walked up to the bald man, raised his hand, and slapped him hard on the face with a big slap.


The knife-wielding old customer realized something was wrong and wanted to stop it, but it was already too late.


In the clear voice, Jin Daniu's slap landed firmly and forcefully on the bald man's face.

The old man with the knife stood up immediately: "What are you doing..."

Is this old man crazy?

He actually wanted to wake this guy up! !

If he wakes up and finds out that he has been plotted against, will he still have to fight them to the death? !

He is not afraid of risking his life.

I just feel a little stupid! !

Before that, Jin Daniu had deliberately tried to show weakness and sued for peace, and even invited them to get drunk.

It's okay now. If you say you're going to fight hard, you have to fight hard.

Since what we have done before is destined to be in vain, why bother to make peace with us?

Just hit it directly, wouldn’t it be done?

It's okay now, I managed to get it into this room, but the final result is still a fight.

After thinking so much, the old man with the knife didn't see any reaction from the bald man.

He just sat there, swaying with his eyes open, looking at Jin Daniu in confusion, without speaking.

Jin Daniu bent down slightly and looked into his eyes.

"Bald man, I have something to ask. If you understand, just nod!"

The rabbit blinked and nodded as expected.

The eyes of the old man with the knife almost fell out of his head: "So obedient?! This guy... what kind of psychedelic drug did you give him? ?

Jin Daniu ignored him and thought for a while: "Let me ask you, is the Divine Master in the Divine Palace?"

Rabbit shook his head.

"Is this because I don't know, or because I'm not here?"

The bald man blinked and looked confused, as if he didn't know how to answer the multiple-choice question.

"Not here?"

Baldy didn't respond.

"have no idea?"

The bald man nodded.

"It's normal not to know. You are just a little guard. It's understandable that you don't know..."

Jin Daniu muttered, thoughtfully.

"You haven't heard of anything. There must be nothing happening over there at the shrine. There is no movement over there, which means everything is calm... Calm and calm, which is a bit unfriendly to us..."

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