Princess Against the World

Chapter 6793 Give you a chance-2

"Our mission is to collect the leftover and uneaten limbs and feed them to the little golden-crowned beasts that haven't grown up yet and don't have the ability to hunt!"

"... You... you personally went there and used human... severed body parts to feed those... little golden-crowned beasts?"

Thinking about such a thing makes me feel sick and cold.

However, Ling Luoyu knew that he was not qualified to judge.

She had no right to judge whether this matter... was right or wrong.

Because she was not in such an environment.

Under such adversity, if they want to survive, they have no other choice but to obey.

Unless, they also want to become the feast that these golden-crowned beasts talk about.

Otherwise, you can only do things according to those people's orders.

Wu Bai glanced at Ling Luoyu: "How to deal with this guy?"

Wu Wu walked out of the courtyard nonchalantly: "It won't matter if there is one more person for her or one person less for her. Just take her with you!"

There's just one more person, and those eagle dogs won't notice anything unusual.

It is estimated that they don't know how many of them are left and what each of them looks like.

Just as he was talking, there was shouting from outside.

"Hurry up, hurry up, move quickly, do you want to die? I have to come here to urge you like this every time, can't you take the initiative? Damn it..."

Then, the sound of whipping came.

Someone screamed.

Wu Bai looked at his grandfather with angry eyes: "Grandpa..."

"What are you going to do?" Wu Wu glanced at him coldly: "You grew up here, can't you still not get used to this kind of thing? How many of us have died in their hands... We were beaten twice It’s just a whip, what’s there to be excited about?!”


Wu Bai glared at Ling Luoyu fiercely: "Now, are you satisfied?!"

Ling Luoyu felt a little innocent: "..."

Does this matter... have anything to do with her?

She didn't say a word, didn't express any opinion at all.

He was denied by the old man, so how could he take it out on her? !

This is a bit unreasonable!

While talking, Ling Luoyu was pushed out along with a group of grown men, occupying several rows in a mess.

Just like Wu Wu said, standing among these tall, short, fat and thin men, Ling Luoyu was like an ant, not attracting any attention at all.

The gathered Beast City guards didn't even raise their eyes to look at him.

"I asked you to come here today. Before we start, I have something to warn you... According to the latest news we got, someone has sneaked into the inner city... and it's not just one person. These people are extremely dangerous. To be precise, they are all They are the people that the Lord of God wants to catch and kill... If we find out that you and these people are colluding inside and outside, we will be sorry, the Lord of God’s order is to kill them directly!!"

The man who spoke was in his thirties or forties, with dark complexion and muscular tendons. He was tall and big, powerful and strong, the kind of man who could kill a cow with one punch.

His threats and warnings did not elicit any response.

Everyone looked at him blankly, as if they were listening to something that had nothing to do with them, and they were very indifferent.

"You are right to do this. Those people and those things have nothing to do with you... Just like the Miao family last time, yes, they escaped and they were free, but what was the result?"

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