Princess Against the World

Chapter 6854: Going with the flow-3

This is the moment of life and death for the Wu family. No matter how big his heart is, he will never be able to compete with Ling Luoyu.

"I've been paying attention since the first Wu family member came in. After going back and forth for most of the night, in terms of numbers, basically all members of our family should be here..."

Although there is no specific number, Wu Wu has stayed in Beast City his whole life.

He still had a rough idea of ​​how many people there could be in the two families together.

And tonight, all the people who entered the courtyard basically matched the number in his mind.

This means that most of the members of the two families should have arrived.

But what about the facts?

What they see now is completely different from reality.

"It seems... there is something blocking those people..." Wu Wu didn't know how to describe what he saw: "But I can be sure that all members of our two clans should be here!"

"How is it possible?" Wu Bai decisively denied: "Our clansmen are all here, and this courtyard can't hold it at all. But look at now... there are only a few people so sparsely sparse. You can see it at a glance. How could there be so many people?”

"It's not impossible..." Qing Shui interrupted him, hesitating: "When we stepped into this courtyard again, I smelled an unusual smell... This smell was fresher, richer, and fuller. The completely different from what we have smelled before, those dirty and bloody smells..."

These are two completely different atmospheres!

Anyone with a little bit of care can notice something unusual!

Not to mention someone with an extremely sensitive sense of smell like him!

"That's why I concluded... where we are now is definitely not normal!"

Qing Shui looked at Wu Wu intently, unsure of what he was thinking.

"Mr. Wu, tell me, will we... now... have..."

"...Maybe..." Wu Wu looked at him and his answer was not too sure.

Wu Bai was still confused until now: "Grandpa? What are you two talking about? What could be possible... what has happened? What is happening to us now? Are we... just standing here waiting to die?"

"...Maybe, we won't die!" Qing Shui's voice trembled obviously: "There will never be any danger again!"

"...What do you mean? We haven't moved yet, so there is no danger."

Wu Bai chuckled, looking at him as if he were an idiot.

"Qing Shui, what are you talking about in your sleep? It's simply nonsense... Where are we now, and we are still under the hands of those hawks and dogs! If we are not careful, our entire army will be annihilated..."

"Maybe not anymore," Qing Shui shook his head again, "Maybe never..."

He suddenly turned around and walked quickly towards the courtyard door, pulling it open with one hand.

The moment he pulled away, his expression suddenly froze, and he turned to look at everyone in disbelief.

Wu Bai, who was originally going to laugh at him, froze up at that moment and looked at the outside of the hospital with dumbfounded eyes.

In front of their eyes, it was no longer the dirty and dark beast city.


A green prairie.

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