Princess Against the World

Chapter 6902 Warning-11

Instead of being like this now, she clearly knew that the Chaos Spirit was in her body, but no matter what method he tried, he could not control that power.

This is the most embarrassing thing!

"Of course, this power... is just temporarily uncontrollable. It does not mean that I have lost control of this power. Maybe... at some point inadvertently, I will completely give this power to Utilization is here, which is what is called... regaining the initiative!!"


Jin Dashi listened for a long time before he finally understood the meaning.

"Isn't that right? Girl... you are telling me now that in this place, your cultivation level cannot be... let's just say it cannot be used. The safety of both of us... depends entirely on me to protect you. Is that what you mean?"

"...If you understand this way, you can..." Ling Luoyu nodded seriously: "But I need to add something special. This situation of mine is only temporary, only temporary..."

Jin Dashi didn't feel the slightest bit happy because of "temporary": "Are you kidding me? Even if it's temporary, can you tell me... your problem... when will it get better and when will it stop you? Where you dropped it, reconnect it?"


Ling Luoyu was silent, and Jin Dashi became more and more pessimistic: "I knew that my old life was going to be thrown away here... If I had known this, before coming in, I would have enjoyed myself and saved up my silver and gold. I have spent my whole life squandering all my possessions, and now I am fine. I am dead and the money has not been spent. You say...why am I so unlucky?"

Ling Luoyu: ...If you had known this earlier, would you still have come in?

Glancing at Ling Luoyu, he sat down on the ground with a sigh.

"I'm not leaving. I'm not going anywhere. I'll just wait here. If the soldiers stop me, the water will come and the soil will drown me... If God destined me to die here, then I'll die!"

What else can I do if I don't die?

Ling Luoyu wanted to comfort her, but suddenly felt a vibration under his feet.

Jin Dashi also stopped talking instantly and looked at Ling Luoyu with subtle eyes.

Their eyes met, and they looked down at the earth for a moment.

There was a vibration of sand and gravel on the ground, and the small pebbles were shaken and rolled around.

Jin Dashi stood up like a carp: "What are you doing? It sounds like... thousands of troops and horses are galloping!"

The vibration disappeared just as quickly as it came.

Before Jin Dashi finished speaking, the shaking feeling disappeared.

The two looked at each other again...

"Isn't it an earthquake?"

"This is the Wandering Soul World, a place controlled by humans. Unless someone deliberately creates a shock, how could there be an earthquake in this place?"


Jin Dashi thought about it: ...just like their life and death, everything here is in the hands of Ma Langjun.

If he wants to shake, the world will shake. If he doesn't want to shake, the world will not shake.

As the two people were talking, they felt another vibration coming from their feet.

"How do I feel about this time..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly raised his head, and all his words were stuck in the throat needle and could not come out.

In the distant sky, a very gorgeous firework appeared.

"Fat man..."

That's right, that firework is his communication signal to Fatty!

She suddenly smiled: "I knew that this damn fat guy would be fine!"

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