Princess Against the World

Chapter 6914 Warning-19

"So, you are not the Lord of God..."

Feng Chenglin walked over with blood on his hands and took the water bag from Ling Luoyu's hand.

"The guy couldn't resist and finally fainted!"

Jin Dashi immediately turned around and said, "You didn't really remove half of his leg, did you?"

Feng Chenglin glanced at him sideways: "Do you really think I am that kind of person?"

Those are just scaring people!

He's not that cruel yet!

He can kill with no more than a nod, but he can become a star by killing someone. But the torture and killing... just shouting twice, you really can't do it!

Feng Chenglin took a sip of water and glanced at the two people: "I say, you two, if you can, please raise your feet and go over there to take a look. What should we do next? Looking at it, I can probably ask Even if you ask again, you won’t be able to find out the reason!!”

"...You figure it out!" Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes. After thinking for a moment, he raised his eyes and looked around: "How much gunpowder do you have over there?"

"One more thing..." Feng Chenglin's space was not affected: "I keep everything you gave me!"

"It would be nice to have something!"

Seeing her unusual behavior, Feng Chenglin smiled and said, "Looking at you like this, you must have a plan, right?"

"...Instead of sitting here and waiting for them to come to us, we should take the initiative to challenge!"

Jin Dashi immediately raised his hand and interrupted her: "What do you mean? You don't mean that we have to... take the initiative to find those people, right?"

"You have seen the current situation. Even if we do nothing and pose no threat to anyone, there will be a steady stream of people coming to catch up with us. Instead of sitting here waiting to die, we might as well strike first. !”

Jin Dashi: "..."

Was there any mistake? !

If, if he remembered correctly, when what happened just now, the girl's first reaction was to turn around and run away! !

How long has it been?

Are you going to change from passive to active?


"Girl, I'm not attacking you. We have to consider this matter in the long term... At the beginning, we only faced two living people, and it was so hard to fight. Now with these dead people..."

Jin Dashi glanced at his feet, his balls hurt very much.

"If I'm not wrong, it's definitely not easy to kill these dead people and let them die completely... Why do we need to wade into this muddy water?"

Wouldn't it be good to just find a place to hide?

Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin looked at each other: "Fat man, please explain!"

Feng Chenglin scratched his head in disgust: "Although I don't know what happened, I have a guess. Since we are here, we don't want to get out alive. If we want to survive, we must go in the opposite direction." Go up... and the prerequisite for this retrograde move up is that we still have enough elixirs, our body is in great shape, and it tastes good when we eat it..."

Jin Dashi frowned suspiciously, obviously not understanding what these words meant!

"Don't understand?"


"Let me tell you this, instead of waiting until we are all bruised and bruised, and we are about to die here, it is better to... strike first, while we can still move, do it first! If we really die here, , that is our destiny... It is better than lying on the ground moaning and regretting when you are about to die!"

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