Princess Against the World

Chapter 6916 It’s really him -1

Feng Chenglin held his head and shouted: "Conscience of heaven and earth, how could I mean this? I just think this matter is abnormal...Who is Gu Lan? He is not a gentleman, he is a shameless villain. ...Since he is an ignorant villain, what he does must have no morals and no bottom line. How could he do what only a gentleman would do..."

"You still say that!" Ling Luoyu was really angry: "Do you think I can't deal with you now... How dare you speak so openly?"

"...Of course not, I'm not that shameless person...I just think this thing is not normal, a grown man...right, a man, he entered a woman's room, and he was still in a dream How could a lover just turn around and leave without doing anything? Then why is he here? Is it just to... take one more look at you? "

Feng Chenglin was ready to continue being beaten, but Ling Luoyu's hand did not fall.

"Yeah...why did he come to my room? Without me noticing..."

She suddenly took a breath of cold air, as if she suddenly realized something.

"I know, the fragrance... is that fragrance... He released a kind of fragrance in my room..."

Feng Chenglin twitched his lips: "...that Gu really free..."

Staying up most of the night and running to a girl's room just to put out some fragrance? ?


After all, it’s hard to guess what the boss is thinking!

Unexpectedly, Ling Luoyu slapped her again: "It's this fragrance that suppresses my power... and prevents me from exerting it..."


"Although I don't know what happened, I am absolutely sure that Gu Lan... will not appear in my room for no reason and do nothing, just leave a faint fragrance... and before that, , he must already know that I am going to enter the wandering soul world!"

If Gu Lan didn't know, there would be no way he could have found her room that night.

It means that in the past few days, she has been under Gu Lan's nose without knowing it!

"That's why he released that fragrance in my room...and this fragrance must have something to do with the Wandering Soul World!!"

Otherwise, how could she have caused such a drama sooner rather than later, just the night before she entered the wandering soul world? !

After saying this, Feng Chenglin's expression also became subtle: "What the hell is this guy doing?? With his ability, he is more than enough to kill you..."

Glancing at Ling Luoyu, I found that his expression was wrong, and immediately added a questioning tone.


That guy Gu Lan’s cultivation is incredible.

Anyway, judging from his cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible to tell how deep Gulan's water is?

"That guy is as powerful as Mo Xuanchen. Even if he can't kill you for a while, he can still hurt you...if he wants to make you suffer in the wandering soul world, he can do it. I’ll hurt you first, and then…”

Immediately, he shook his head heavily and denied what he said.

"No, if I were him, if I wanted to attack an enemy, I would not care whether he or she was injured or whether she wanted to go to another place to die. I would definitely attack first...kill this guy first. !”

And Gu Lan's operation is really confusing.

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