Princess Against the World

Chapter 6930 It’s really him-15

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Gu Lan gasped and shook his head with some regret: "I have been thinking, for the sake of our master and apprentice, I really don't want to go to the point where we meet at war! What a pity. … All imaginations are beautiful, but reality is cruel. After all, you don’t miss our former master-disciple friendship!”

"Master-disciple relationship?" Lu Ming sneered: "You know what? When I hear these four words now, I have only one feeling, and that is disgusting, Gu Lan, you make me sick! Don't you want everything here? Okay Ah...if you can get it, it's all yours! However, I want to remind you first, even if you kill me, it will be useless, because...people here only recognize me!!"

" Haha..." Gu Lan was not angry, but laughed out loud: "What do you have? You don't know how you got your current status, right? Will these people be convinced by you? ? Even if they surrender to you now...then, when a more powerful existence appears, what do you think they will do?!"

Lu Ming's smile gradually sank: Of course he knows! !

Because everything he has now came from this! !

When the strong comes, these spineless people will surrender at the feet of the strong!

"What? Did I mention something that hurts you?" Gu Lan smiled proudly: "Good disciple, you have to remember this moment now. This is what I will give you again after our master and disciple meet again, regardless of the past grudges! !”

"...Do I need to say anything more about such hypocritical and hypocritical words?" Lu Ming took a step forward and looked directly into Gu Lan's eyes: "If you really have the ability, take back everything here! "

"Until now, are you still doubting my ability as a teacher?" Gu Lan was speechless and shook his head in disappointment: "If that's the case, then I will convince you to lose, my teacher!"

His right hand pointed out quickly, pointing into the distance: "I know that for you, the Wandering Soul World... has always been the thing you are most proud of!"

Lu Ming's pupils shrank instantly and he was speechless.

"Because you got the Wandering Soul World from me and successfully controlled it... Therefore, in your heart, you think... you have the same ability as me and can stand side by side with me! Right?"


The Wandering Soul World was created by Gu Lan.

However, after what happened, everything he had was stripped away.

Including the Wandering Soul World!

Therefore, as Gu Lan's disciple, Lu Ming naturally became the leader of the Wandering Soul World.

And if you want to control the wandering soul world, you must have absolute energy, and it cannot be accomplished with a simple sentence.

At that time, Lu Ming was also very doubtful about himself.

He was not sure whether he had the power to control the wandering soul world.

Fortunately, everything didn't fall apart.

The Wandering Soul World eventually became one of his private possessions.

Gu Lan looked aggressively into Lu Ming's eyes and said word by word: "Since in your heart, the Wandering Soul World is your trophy... then, I will destroy this trophy of yours!"

"What do you want to do? What else can you do?"

Lu Ming quickly searched for memories in his mind and became very alert.

"If I remember correctly, when you founded the Wandering Soul World, you said this to me. You said..."

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