Princess Against the World

Chapter 6940 Waiting-5

have to! !

He must be responsible for all the bad guys!

After all, there is no way! !

Who allowed himself to be the "culprit"? !

As he was thinking about something in his mind, Feng Chenglin's eyes came sideways, and he immediately nodded in cooperation.

"No problem, no problem. I did something wrong, and I have to bear it after all...compensation? You should, you should!!"

"How do you plan to compensate?" A cold voice came over: "What kind of place do you think this is? You can waste food like this? Do you know that here, everyone's rations are fixed and allocated? After eating, some of them will not be able to eat... But now, they have saved their rations from between their teeth to give it to you, but they are treated like this by you!?"

The crowd gradually separated, and an old man on crutches staggered over.

"For you people, this ration is nothing, but for them, it is something that can save lives...So, what you are ruining now is not just a little ration, but their life-saving heart." , how do you plan to compensate for this affection?"

This impassioned speech made Jin Dashi speechless. He stood there with a face full of shame and anger, wishing he could dig a hole in the ground and get in.

Feng Chenglin opened his mouth exaggeratedly, tilted his body slightly, and touched Ling Luoyu: "I found that this guy's eloquence is as good as yours..."

Ling Luoyu slightly adjusted her eyebrows: "I can't do it!"

"...You still can't do it?"

"Compared to stealing ideas, he is much better than me!"


They have already said they will compensate and have a good attitude towards admitting their mistake.

Even if they did something wrong, the other party would not put a big hat like savior on their head.

Wearing a hat means wearing a hat, and they admit it. After all, the other party is kind-hearted and is really trying to save them with something.

But if... someone deliberately puts a hundred kilograms of iron locks on this life-saving hat, that would be uncomfortable! !

"Old man, what you say makes sense, we accept it with an open mind!"

Ling Luoyu secretly kicked Feng Chenglin and bowed deeply.

"It's just that we are new here and don't know the rules here yet. Why don't you tell us clearly what we have to do to repay this kindness!"

Feng Chenglin was very cooperative and then nodded and bowed: "That's right, old man, the fault is all ours. How to compensate for it is up to you... As long as you say something, as long as we can do it, we will never let you do it." disappointment!"

In my mind, I added another sentence...

"If you can't do something, then you can't agree to it... So, this is the best supplementary clause!!"

The prerequisite for agreeing to something is that they can do what the other party asks for!

The old man glanced at them coldly: "As the saying goes, he who doesn't know is not guilty. Since you are ignorant and don't know, I don't want to punish myself too much. Let's do it this way. There is a well over there, who of you Go there and get me a drink of water?"


The three of them were still waiting for the next words, but the old man stopped talking.

Drill a well for water? ?

So simple? ?

How could such a good thing happen... After all, the old man's words just now were very hard and firm! !

Could it be...that they heard wrong? ?

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