Princess Against the World

Chapter 6960 Ninety-seven people-5

"What light?" Feng Chenglin's head suddenly shook.

Grandma’s! !

This sentence sounds like... There is something in the words, there is a treasure in the words! ?

Could it be possible...that guy Gu Lan still has some treasure hidden here? ?

Thinking of what he did, it is not difficult to guess that if he really hid something here, the one called "Aurora" must be a hard-to-find treasure.

Now that he has a treasure, Feng Chenglin immediately becomes excited.

"But, old man, we are destined to meet each other. Don't worry about those messy things before. What happened? Anyway, the final result is me..."

He patted his chest hard.

"I was the one who discovered the blood well, so naturally I had to find the aurora... But before you find the aurora, can you tell me a little bit about what this aurora... is?"

Who knows, but the old official shook his head: "I don't know!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

I do not understand you? !

"Anyway, that's what our ancestors said. Only those who are destined can find the blood well, find the aurora, and save us from the sea of ​​suffering..."

Feng Chenglin: "..."

He is not very interested in this kind of bodhisattva behavior of doing good deeds.

What he was more concerned about was what the aurora was.

"No, old man, if you think about it carefully, since it appears in your family's ancestral teachings, it must be very important. After all, you are the one who can help you out of the sea of ​​suffering. Maybe... you can find this thing. , the flaw in all of you will be gone, and you can leave completely..."

The old official said lightly: "...I really don't know what the aurora is. I only know that only the water in the blood well can undo the poison on our bodies and we can talk!"


After so many years, they have no intention to care about this thing anymore, what is it!

Being able to live well and say one or two complete sentences is their ultimate wish.

The speaker has no intention, the listener has intention.

Feng Chenglin's words didn't make the old official react, but Ling Luoyu suddenly became interested.

Blood and water can undo the poison in these people.

So what about Aurora, is it really like Feng Chenglin said that it can open the door to the wandering soul world and let them leave freely? !

"Old man, regarding the aurora, you also know that if you are careful, the more careful you are, the more likely we are to find... This aurora will most likely be our last chance to make a comeback!"

"Third Young Master, do you think so too?" Feng Chenglin immediately became happy, grinding his fists with excitement on his face: "I knew we wouldn't be trapped here in vain, we will definitely find a way out... Gu That guy Lan is so heartbroken that he actually played such a big game of chess!?"

Thinking of something, the smile on his face faded a lot.

"That guy...couldn't he have thought of today when the Wandering Soul World was built?"

Otherwise, why was everything he did to prepare for today?

Gu worms, bloody water, trapped in this place...

Gu Lan seemed to have guessed everything.

That’s why we arranged this result! !

"Don't forget, he once had the wrath of thunder, so he can naturally see into the future!"

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