Princess Against the World

Chapter 6978 Variable-3

"This means that if we enter, we may also enter that cave!"

Ling Luoyu slowly turned his eyes, looked into Feng Chenglin's eyes, and spoke word by word.

"If that's the case, we must find the aurora, because only by finding the aurora can we possibly come out. If we can't find it, nine times out of ten, we will be trapped there for the rest of our lives!"

Feng Chenglin frowned slightly: "What do you mean, are you going to leave me outside again and go in alone?"

"Fat man..."

"I'm telling you, don't think about it! Don't even think about it... don't even dream about it!" Feng Chenglin gave a decisive answer: "I don't care what you think, and I don't want to know... Anyway, no matter what, I want to I will be with you, live together! I will die together! So, you don’t need to say anything unnecessary. If you want to go in, we will go in together, no other nonsense... it’s that simple!”

Ling Luoyu patted him on the back, and the smile disappeared from his lips: "I mean, when you go in later, you must follow me closely, because I am not sure, after this step, what will happen to the two of us?" What is the result?

The two people clasped their fingers together. After looking at each other, they raised their feet in tacit understanding and took that step together.

Nothing unusual! !

Nothing strange at all!

The two of them were as calm as clouds and breeze, and they took that step naturally. There's nothing shocking about it.

Feng Chenglin turned to look behind him, then looked around, feeling a little disappointed: "...That's it??"

Ling Luoyu sunk his eyes: "What else do you want? There is a vigorous life and death battle waiting for you??"

"That's not the case, but... at least give me a hint? For example, when we entered a certain enchantment before, didn't we always feel a sense of enchantment? But just now, why didn't I feel anything? ?”

It was so natural, taking a step forward.

Not an unusual step at all.

A very serious step! !

Ling Luoyu turned his head and glanced behind him: "Look at your back!"

Feng Chenglin turned around when he heard the sound: "What are you looking at?"

There is nothing behind it, no different from before.

"Look at the ground. Do you find anything wrong?"

After saying this, Feng Chenglin immediately became nervous. After taking a closer look, he shook his head in confusion: "I'm so stupid... I'm a little slow to react. I really can't see anything wrong!"

"Footprints! Our footprints..."

After saying this, Feng Chenglin realized something was wrong.

They were there before coming here, but they lingered for a long time, and they should have left many footprints on the ground.

But what about now?

There wasn't even a single footprint around them.

"So, have we really entered... that place?" Feng Chenglin immediately raised his head and looked at the sky: "But... where is the cave?"

The cave that Jiao Wa mentioned... did not appear.

There was really no difference between the scenery in front of them and the one just now, but it was still a pile of large rocks that had been eroded by the wind and had no specifications.

Ling Luoyu let go of Feng Chenglin's hand: "Look for it, remember to mark it, maybe that cave will appear by itself sometime!"

Feng Chenglin twitched: "Can the cave appear on its own?"

If there really was a cave where he could appear, then to be honest, he wouldn't dare to enter!

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