Princess Against the World

Chapter 7012 Remember to find me-17

"By the way, when you see Third Sister-in-law later, please...don't be too surprised. She...she is in poor health and doesn't like others to look at her in a special way..."

Ling Luoyu took the elixir and smiled mischievously: "You will know later that your woman has never been the kind of person who...sees other people's lives with strange eyes!!"

Mo Xuanchen patted her head lovingly: "That's natural, my woman, how could it be so bad?!"

That being said, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he took Ling Luoyu to meet his third sister-in-law Jing Xin.

Due to physical reasons, Jing Xin's limbs were atrophied and hunched, and his whole body was in a curled-up state, leaning on the chair.

However, her mental state was so good that Ling Luoyu was a little incredible.

She has seen many patients, but she is the first woman who can smile brightly despite such a sick body.

"Sister of the Ling family, come and sit down. Logically speaking, if you are recuperating at my house, I should be the one taking care of you, but my body..."

"My sister-in-law has met her husband. A few days ago, I was seriously ill and fell into a coma. If it hadn't been for Third Brother's wonderful rejuvenation, I would have been wandering around in the underworld now. Third Brother's life-saving grace is a deep kindness. I feel extremely guilty. No. I know how to repay, if my third sister-in-law says this again, how can I be embarrassed?!"

"My husband likes to play with some medicinal herbs. If he can save someone's life because of this, it is his fate and his luck. How can he say that it is a life-saving grace?"

Jing Xin's right hand hooked slightly, and her eyes fell on the girl not far away: "You kid, why don't you come here quickly? I have seen your aunt..."

The girl muttered, "hum", turned around and ran away.

Jing Xin's eyes were a little weird, but she still smiled softly: "I'm sorry, this girl was spoiled by me, so she is so unruly..."

"This doesn't mean you're spoiled. That's because my sister-in-law doesn't know what messy things I did when I was her age!"


Mo Xuanchen saw that Ling Luoyu and Jing Xin were chatting very congenially, and put his palm gently on her back: "You chat with my sister-in-law here for a while, I'll go find the third brother. He just asked me to help at the kiln." Woolen cloth."

Ling Luoyu gave him a warm look in return: "Thank you third brother for me."

Mo Xuanchen said goodbye to Jing Xin with a smile, and went to see his third brother Tian Su in a good mood.

From a distance, I saw Tian Su sitting at the door of the kiln, his head lowered, looking at something on the ground, motionless.

After walking in, Mo Xuanchen saw a piece of rice paper at his feet.

"Third brother, what are you looking at?"

Tian Su glanced at him and didn't answer.

Mo Xuanchen sat down beside him leisurely: "Didn't you say it's very busy here and asked me to come over to help? Why are you so leisurely?"

Tian Su didn't answer, just put the rice paper in front of him.

"What is this?" Mo Xuanchen glanced at him doubtfully: "Isn't this the prescription for your elixir? Why...what went wrong?"

Tian Su tapped his fingers on the rice paper: "...don't you notice...that there's anything unusual about this recipe?"

Mo Xuanchen glanced at him suspiciously, but still looked at the prescription carefully: "This prescription shouldn't be completed in one go, right? There are two kinds of ink marks on it?"

The dividing line between the two ink stains is quite obvious, one is an old ink color, and the other is an obviously fresh ink color.

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