Princess Against the World

Chapter 7019 The Poison of the Past-4

Mo Xuanchen is so confused——

"...For we still need fixed, specific...numbers?"

"So, in your heart, you still label me as thirty years old!"

Mo Xuanchen: "..."

Talking about this matter... why is it so confusing? !

He didn't mean it at all, he just expressed his position and his heart.

But now...

How does it feel...Ling Luoyu seems to have fallen into that trap and can't get out.

Mo Xuanchen was speechless in response to the rebuke. He opened his mouth to explain something, but felt that he might be getting darker and darker, so he simply shut up and stopped talking.

Who knew...

"Look at you, what I said hit your mark, you have nothing to say, right?"

Mo Xuanchen: "..."

Dare to love, dare not tell him, or not tell, the final result is the same?

"Yu'er, I swear to God, I really didn't mean that..."



Ling Luoyu suddenly changed from being irritable just now to being calm now. The sudden change caught Mo Xuanchen off guard and he had no time to react.

"I said, I'm... twenty years old!" Ling Luoyu smiled sweetly and bit his lower lip: "Do you think I am also a child?"

Mo Xuanchen: "...ah, yes...but..."

Weren't you still angry just now?

Seeing it, he was furious and had a big explosion.

But in a blink of an eye, it changed from strong wind and rain to bright sunshine.

This sudden turn happened without warning, and it was incomprehensible. It also made him feel inexplicably weak, and it made things... a little bit bad.

In line with the most basic desire to survive, he smiled: "Yu'er, you... you just... I swear, I really..."

"I know, I just showed you the best state a twenty-year-old girl should have!"

Ling Luoyu's bright eyes were leisurely, with her hands behind her back and a charming smile on her lips.

"Do you like the state I was in just now?"

Mo Xuanchen: "..."

It feels like this is another gift proposition! !

If you say you like it, you may die miserably in the future.

If you say you don’t like it, you’ll probably die even worse now! !

Ling Luoyu stood up slightly and raised his chin: "Look into my eyes and answer me with your heart!"

"...I like it, I don't like it either..."

This was the most compromise answer given by Mo Xuanchen.

"Sometimes, you may like it, and sometimes... you may not like it..."

Who knows:...

"I know you don't like it!"


"I dont like it either!"


"Girl... I am thirteen years old this year. In seven years, I will be my current age. If you have thoughts about that girl in your heart, you will encounter a situation like me in the future. By then, even if you don't like it, I have to like it too!”


Mo Xuanchen suddenly realized it!

Damn it, I dug a hole here waiting for him!

"Didn't I tell you already? I don't like her... Even if I do, it's just like a daughter. It's definitely not the kind of love I have for you. You don't have to test me like that anymore. !”

Mo Xuanchen deliberately kept a straight face, looking unhappy.

"If I am interested in other women, no matter if they are thirteen years old, thirty years old, or even three hundred years old, there are many... If you test them one by one..."

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