Princess Against the World

Chapter 7022 The poison of the past-7

Where is Ling Luoyu?

Don't accept this move at all.

"Hey, I'm really angry!"

Ling Luoyu carelessly pinched the girl's cheek, but she opened it with one hand.

"Stupid woman, I've talked to you so much, but you haven't listened to a word of it, right? Until then, don't blame me for being cruel!"

"You are a thirteen-year-old girl. Even if you are cruel, how can you be so cruel?"

Unless Ling Luoyu didn't take the move, once he did, he would look like a rogue who wouldn't let go of the attack and wouldn't be afraid of boiling water.

"Don't forget, I am your Uncle Mo Xuanchen's favorite woman and her little wife. In terms of seniority, whether you are willing or not, you have to call me aunt!"


Ling Luoyu's words were like a sharp knife, piercing deeply into the girl's heart.

Is this woman crazy?

She said so much, but she didn't even listen to a word.

"Girl, you are still young and don't know what it means to be strong and sweet. Your uncle Mo Xuanchen likes a pretty, gentle and kind-hearted young lady like me, not you. …who haven’t grown up yet…”

Ling Luoyu was very unkind, gesturing on the girl's chest with both hands.

"What, it won't work..."

The girl immediately looked at her breasts: "..."

Of course not!

As I said, she is only thirteen years old and has not grown up yet!

She is still in the development stage now. In three years, she will be ready!

Wait a minute...

The girl suddenly raised her head and looked at Ling Luoyu with something wrong in her eyes.

"You...what were you doing just now? Do you know that this is very presumptuous?"

Which woman in this world doesn’t talk about sexual perversion?

Even if they were given the courage, they would not dare to make any obvious actions or words, including certain hints.

But the woman in front of him could actually... gesture with her breasts so wantonly.

Ling Luoyu's smile was still sweet: "How can it be presumptuous? Sister is just joking with you. Besides, sister, this is telling you from a woman's perspective. Don't think so much before you mature. ...Maybe in the future, you will meet a better man than Uncle Mo Xuanchen!"

"What do you know? In my heart, he is the most perfect person in the world..."

"What's perfect? ​​If he's extremely tired, he'll snore when he wakes up. He'll chirp while eating, and sometimes he'll giggle, a very creepy giggle, so silly..."

"You... have you slept together?" The girl's expression turned ugly: "You... you have no shame, no shame. You... you are not married yet, how can you sleep together? You don't know whether men and women are intimate or not. ?"

Ling Luoyu's smiling eyes were a little playful: "What's wrong with us sleeping together? It's just sleeping together, not doing anything else..."

"Not doing anything? He is a man...will he not do anything when he meets a woman who hooks up with him?!"

The girl screamed hysterically, suddenly grabbed the sketch on the table, tore it into pieces, threw it on Ling Luoyu's face, and ran out with tears in her eyes.

Ling Luoyu did not hide, but let the pieces of paper fly and scatter.

After the girl left, the smile on her face gradually disappeared. She slowly lowered her eyes and looked at the sketches scattered around her feet.

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