Princess Against the World

Chapter 7033 The poison of the past-18

It wasn't because he suspected that his daughter was lying, but because he felt that the matter itself was indeed a bit strange.

After all, he knew what kind of abilities his daughter had.

Gu Lan was right. With the girl's hand, even if she was attacked from behind, she would not have the power to fight back, or even not fight back at all.

Not to mention, the other party is still an ordinary girl with no cultivation.

Unless... Miss Ling's cultivation was incredible, but she hid her skills very well, so she hit the girl hard without any precautions, leaving her completely unable to fight back.

Otherwise... there are too many loopholes in this matter!


The girl has been hiding in her mother's arms, crying as if she was frightened, and twitching from time to time.

Jing Xin felt heartbroken: "Don't be afraid, girl, your parents will definitely make the decision for you and will definitely take revenge on you..."

"Mom, I'm afraid, I feel pain...

The girl really looked like a thirteen-year-old girl: hesitant, helpless, and so desperate and scared that she could only cry.

"Mom, you want to kill her, you want dad to kill her, if you don't kill her, she will definitely kill me... Wuwu... She will definitely kill me sooner or later..."

"No, no, as long as my parents are here, the girl will not be harmed again!"

Jing Xin held her daughter in her arms, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

"No matter what happens, my parents will never let you get hurt again..."

"But...Uncle Mo will protect her. The woman said that she is Uncle Mo's woman. No matter what happens, Uncle Mo will protect her...Mom, doesn't Uncle Mo love the girl?"

"No, how could it be possible? Your Uncle Mo loves girls the most..."

"Then let Uncle Mo kill her..." The girl pulled Jing Xin's clothes and kept crying and begging: "Mom, tell Uncle Mo that you want Uncle Mo to kill that woman... Otherwise, that woman Will kill the girl..."

"Girl!" Gu Lan's voice suddenly came from outside the house: "I am Uncle Gu, uncle, can you come in?"

The girl's eyes changed, and before she could answer, Jing Xin had already invited Gu Lan into the house.

"Why did you come here at this time and didn't say hello in advance..."

"I saw that Lao Qi hadn't been back here for a long time, and I guessed that he must be eating and drinking at the third brother and third sister-in-law's place... I thought that I couldn't let him have such a good thing all to himself, so I followed him. …”

Gu Lan chuckled, his eyes falling on the girl, his eyes filled with distress.

"I didn't expect that when I came here, I heard that the girl was injured. How is it? Is the injury serious?"

"It's important, it's important, of course it's important, the girl almost died..." The girl instantly switched to the crying mode, sobbing non-stop: "Uncle Gu, it's really great that you can come... You don’t know, Uncle Mo doesn’t care about me at all now, he only cares about the woman who cares about him, the murderer..."

Jing Xin saw her husband who was following behind her, and her expression changed slightly: "How's it going? Is the matter resolved?"

Tian Su glanced at Gu Lan subtly and coughed: "I just went out just now. Before I saw Lao Qi and Miss Ling, I met Lao Liu. He said something..."

"That's what I said. Let's see the girl first. As for the rest, it won't be too late..." Gu Lan calmly stopped Tian Su's words.

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