Princess Against the World

Chapter 7036 Everyone is reborn-1

The girl did not express her emotions as he imagined. Instead, she felt aggrieved and looked into his eyes with tears in her eyes.

"Uncle Gu, I...I don't like Sister Ling, but...I won't be like her, wanting to kill someone just because I don't like her..."

The girl's words caused some inexplicable ripples in Gu Lan's heart.

I haven't seen him for a while. This thirteen-year-old girl is obviously much more mature. She can understand the meaning of his words so easily. She even calmly beats his topic trap easily.

"Yes, uncle also thinks that what you said is...right!"

Taking a step back, he glanced at the girl again and suppressed the surprise in his heart.

"But, uncle still wants to remind you... You know, Uncle Mo likes Miss Ling very much. If... your father insists on avenging you, maybe... your Uncle Mo will bear everything for Miss Ling. At that time, maybe, the relationship between you and Uncle Mo will completely break down, and the result of the break... is that your two families will never have anything to do with each other from now on!"

The girl's eyes jumped.

Obviously, these words of Gu Lan touched her heart.

And Gu Lan also captured her eyes very well.

With attention in mind, he became even more bold when speaking.

"What Uncle Gu said is just some advice for you. As for what will happen in the future, it depends on your own choice... Do you want to never see Uncle Mo again from now on, or do you want to give it to that Ling Girl, a fair chance to prove yourself?"

"...Why should I give her a chance? It was obviously her who hurt me, and I almost died in her hands, but you don't believe me..."

The girl's tears rolled down her cheeks, full of grievances.

"Since you are all like this and protecting her like this, then okay... I will give her a chance!"

After a pause, he added.

"But instead of giving her a chance to prove her innocence, I asked her to repent, apologize, and ask for my forgiveness!"

The girl's words once again labeled Ling Luoyu as a murderer.

But Gu Lan doesn't care.

As long as her life is saved now and the rest can be completed, it doesn't matter whether she is the murderer or not.

The girl's words showed her generosity, but they did not clear Ling Luoyu's suspicion.

Therefore, when he saw her, Jing Xin's eyes were full of hostility: "Why? Why do you want to repay kindness with enmity, why do you want to hurt my daughter..."

"Madam!" Tian Su saw the subtlety of Mo Xuanchen's face, lowered his gaze, and stopped his wife: "Since Miss Ling is already here, if you have anything to say, we can talk about it after she finishes explaining!"

"Is there any explanation? If she said no, would you believe her?"

Jing Xin threw away her husband's hand in disgust, her eyes wandering on the faces of Gu Lan and Mo Xuanchen.

"Man...this is what a man is!! As long as I see a beautiful woman, fairness, conscience, justice...all can be given up!! You guys make me sick!!"

Ling Luoyu sighed quietly: "Sister-in-law, if I tell you that I really didn't hurt the girl, you won't believe it, because that person ran away after hurting the girl. I only saw his back and could draw it." I have a picture of him, but... I don’t know him!”

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