Princess Against the World

Chapter 7060 Hidden Things-5

Mo Xuanchen thought quietly for a while, and said thoughtfully: "You said... the reason why he didn't tell you, could it be..."

He seemed to have remembered something, his eyes were slightly strange, and he hesitated to speak.

Ling Luoyu was intrigued by his words: "Do you know what it is?"

"A guess..."


"I think the reason why he didn't tell you is either... because that thing is indeed extraordinary, or, even I know it... because he was afraid that I would stop you, so he didn't dare to tell you!"

"You also know?" Ling Luoyu's eyes suddenly lit up: "Have you already guessed what that thing is?!"

Otherwise, Mo Xuanchen would not have said such a thing.

Sure enough, he nodded.

However, there was something wrong with the look in Ling Luoyu's eyes.

The light in Ling Luoyu's eyes gradually weakened: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with that thing...?"

Mo Xuanchen nodded, but did not answer.

"...What is it?"

"Stuff you don't need to know!"


Mo Xuanchen stood up suddenly: "I will handle this matter. You should stop interfering and just pretend that nothing happened!"

"Xuan Chen!" Ling Luoyu quickly stood up, but because of the pain that ripped into his chest, he groaned in pain and paused.

Mo Xuanchen quickly turned back and put her in his arms: "What's wrong?"

Ling Luoyu leaned into his arms, holding his heart, and frowned slightly: "It hurts... the wound hurts!"

"You haven't fully healed yet, so you shouldn't move drastically!" Mo Xuanchen picked her up distressedly and put her on the bed gently: "Did you tell me? From now on, you don't want to do anything. No more questions, I am responsible for everything, just have a good rest..."

As she spoke, she felt that her cuffs were a little tight. When she looked down, she saw Ling Luoyu's fingers hooking her cuffs, and he immediately understood what she meant.

He smiled slightly and sat down next to her.

"Don't worry, you are injured, I won't leave again..."

"Since you're not leaving, then tell me about that thing!"


"I want to know!" Ling Luoyu hooked his fingers a little more forcefully and curled his lips coquettishly: "After all, I am here for this reason, so I must know the reason!"

"But... you don't know the dangers during this period!" Mo Xuanchen gently held her hand, held it in his palm, and lowered his eyes: "Did you know? In this incident, several people... are symbiotic with heaven and earth. Yes, they will never grow old or die, they can coexist with heaven and earth, and their power is unparalleled..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly thought of those people when the world first opened: "Are you talking about...the so-called humans...gods and demons?"

"You know?" Mo Xuanchen was surprised: "How do you know? Did Gu Lan tell you? Or..."

"My world also has this!" Ling Luoyu smiled: "You have forgotten that you and I are from the same world, but... I am in the future and you are in the past tense!"

"...I didn't expect that they still exist in your future. It seems that their story will continue!"

Mo Xuanchen's expression was slightly strange, and his eyes were looking forward with a slightly ethereal look.

"Could it be...that it's really possible to live forever?"

"They will die! At least, in my will die!"

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