Princess Against the World

Chapter 7069 Hidden Things-14

Gu Lan glanced at him, lowered his head and continued to work: "It's just a treat for the girl to eat fish, why are you talking about whether you owe something or not?"

"Isn't it the same, sir? You just helped me stop the bleeding and saved my life. You can't wait to let me do things for you and repay the kindness of saving your life. This kind of thing can be regarded as a lesson learned from the past. I don't dare to be careless again and owe you sir again." Any favors!"

"The girl really knows how to joke..."

"I'm not joking, I'm a real person... I can't guarantee it. If we eat this fish today, I don't know when I will owe you sir again. How about... you treat me to fish, and I'll treat you to a drink. Wouldn't it be better if we didn't owe each other anything?

"The girl said that, she seems very raw!"

"Sir, he said that as if we were very familiar with each other."

"Aren't we familiar with each other?" Gu Lan slowly raised his head, half-smiling: "If I tell the girl that I have seen her countless times in my dreams and have deep feelings for her, will she believe it?"

"I believe it!" Ling Luoyu agreed happily.

Gu Lan was a little surprised: "The girl is so cheerful. At this time, I don't know what to say anymore!"

"Then drink. If you drink too much, some words... will come naturally, and you'll have the nerve to say them out!"

"But there are some things that you do more boldly when you are drunk. The girl came here alone..." Gu Lan looked behind Ling Luoyu: "This is a bit unexpected for me, isn't the girl afraid that I will do it after being drunk? Taking advantage of others' do something bad?"

Ling Luoyu smiled leisurely and looked into the distance: "Sir, you can't do that!!"

"Do you really believe that I am a gentleman?"

"Sir, you are not a gentleman!"

"...This sounds a bit unpleasant!" He said he was unhappy, but Gu Lan didn't look at all sullen.

"Just telling the truth...because even if you want to do something bad, you won't do it before you ask me to do it!!"

Ling Luoyu took his time and looked sideways, looking into his eyes intensely.

"For people like you, interests always come first, so you know very well what will happen if you take advantage of me... In comparison, you want that thing more than me. If this is the case, what else should I not dare to do?"

Gu Lan put away the harpoon, tilted his head, and looked at her intently: "Why didn't I realize before that the girl's mind could be so careful?"

"Really? If sir didn't realize that I'm very thoughtful, how could he let me get that thing for you? Could it be that... sir just randomly selected someone among a group of girls?"


Gu Lan finally realized that the Ling Luoyu in front of him was no longer the little girl he met for the first time.

Nowadays, she seems to be a completely different person.

"Okay, girl, please sit over there for a moment. I'll finish it right here!"

Gu Lan didn't look at the stream, but just threw the harpoon out.

However, when I picked up the harpoon, there were already two fish skewered on it.

He went ashore barefoot, skillfully lit a fire and cut open the fish, put the fish on the fire and sprinkled it with seasonings.

"The sun sets, the smoke curls from the kitchen, the green water and mountains, the smell of fish from the bonfire... Such a leisurely and comfortable life in another world is probably the dream of many people!"

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