Princess Against the World

Chapter 7071 Hidden Things-16

Know everything! !

This sentence caused ripples in Gu Lan's heart again.

"What you said is a bit interesting. How could I know about Mo Xuanchen?"

"Forget it if you don't know. Anyway, you will know in the future!" Ling Luoyu stood up and walked towards the bonfire: "I'm already hungry when I smell the fragrance of this fish. If you don't mind, sir, can I eat some first? "

"Of course, no problem..."

Gu Lan made an invitation gesture and looked at Ling Luoyu with a strange look in his eyes.

"Girl, I suddenly discovered that talking to the girl is like...opening the door to another world. Those words may sound ordinary, but if you think about it carefully, you will find...every word of the girl seems to be... Don’t have any deep meaning or point out anything!”

"That's because you are overthinking, sir!" Ling Luoyu disagreed and continued to eat his own fish with his head down: "What I said was just casual and had no other meaning. Sir, please don't think too much about it!"

Gu Lan packed up the fish in his hands, put them on the fire, and continued to roast them.

Ling Luoyu ate fish and he grilled fish. The two of them didn't say another word, just doing their own things until night fell completely.

Under the reflection of the moonlight and the bonfire, the stream dances with dots of light, like stars falling into the world, which is really beautiful.

Ling Luoyu handed the wine to Gu Lan: "Take one?"

Gu Lan glanced at the wine and took it: "Why do I have a feeling that tonight, among the two of us, the one with ulterior motives...will be you?!"

Ling Luoyu smiled and said, "Do I have ulterior motives? Mr. Gu, are you still afraid that I will... plot evil against you?"

"Isn't it possible??" Gu Lan took a sip of wine and raised his eyebrows: "If I remember correctly, it was the girl who asked me out tonight, and she also brought wine, obviously she wanted to get drunk. May I ask something?"

"Now that sir knows it, do you still need me to get drunk again?"

"The Divine Bones of the Human Emperor!" Gu Lan stopped beating around the bush and gave the answer directly.

Ling Luoyu: "..."

It is indeed the Divine Bone of the Human Emperor! !

However, on the surface, the drama that should be performed must still continue.

"Human Emperor... Divine Bone?? What is it? A bone?" Ling Luoyu smiled with his only smile: "Then this bone... should be more precious than any gold, silver and jewelry in the world, right?"

"Don't you know, girl?" Gu Lan tilted his head and looked into her eyes, as if he wanted to see into her heart through her eyes.

Unfortunately, he was facing Ling Luoyu!

Ling Luoyu can already hide his thoughts very well!

After a moment, Ling Luoyu's dark eyes met his gaze without hesitation: "Should I know?"


"I'm sorry, sir, you may be disappointed... I have heard of many bones in my life, but I have never heard of the Divine Bones of the Human Emperor. Of course, I have heard of the legend of the Human Emperor... Sir I don’t know if the Human Emperor I’m talking about is the Human Emperor I’ve heard of!”

When it comes to pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, Ling Luoyu has always been a top-notch Patriarch level figure.

Regardless of her eyes or tone of voice, she can disguise herself very well.

Even if the other party has already become suspicious of her, they just can't get any real evidence.

The same seems to be true for Gu Lan today.

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