Frowning tightly, Ting Tong slowly turned to Ling Luoyu, with hatred reappearing.

"When I saw you entering the secret room, I thought it was bad, you and that fat man must die, so I used a little trick to bring them both into the secret room... Ben I thought I wanted to use Yan Chi to get rid of you quietly, but who knew that this guy followed those two into the Sword Tomb, and I don't have the strength to kill you! I have no choice but to watch you leave , and then stun Ling Jingchen, and then return here to get rid of you..."

Ling Luoyu's eyes turned sharply, and suddenly thought of that golden lacquer ink word.

"What's going on with that secret room? And that ink writing... what is it?"

"Secret room..." Ting Tong's voice paused, and suddenly changed the subject: "Yan Wang, you are going to die, what are you doing knowing so many secrets?! Knowing too much, I'm afraid you won't even be able to be a ghost! You'll lose your mind ..."

Smiling coldly, he retreated to the valve and looked at the tightly locked broken sword.

"But to be honest, your heart is really big enough! You will lose your life, and you still have the mind to take care of this sword!"


He kicked the broken sword away.


The chime sounded again, and the long sword still sank slowly.


Ling Luoyu was about to stand up in surprise.

"Once Mietian has been tempered, he cannot leave the ground fire, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted..."

With a gloomy look in his eyes, Ting Tong's eyes burst out with murderous intent.

"I can't let you ruin Mietian!!"

The wrist was raised horizontally, and the flute sounded again.

Yan Chi's body also rose up suddenly at that moment, and with an "ow", he opened his mouth and bit Ling Luoyu.

Ling Luoyu's eyes flashed with determination and brutality, and his lips curled up furiously.

"Want to kill me?!"

The soul blade that pierced into Yan Chi's back suddenly exploded at that moment, rotating 360 degrees, like a drill bit, it penetrated into its body instantly.


Yan Chi raised his head and howled in pain, his whole body was in a stiff state.

The soul blade was stirring unscrupulously in its body, smashing its internal organs into pieces in the blink of an eye.


Yan Chi's body landed heavily, splashing dust all over the ground.

Tingtong's flute stopped suddenly at that moment, and he stood there inconceivably.

" are you?!"

Among the dust, Ling Luoyu stood up leisurely, smiling indifferently, it did not look like a serious physical injury at all.

If it weren't for the blood stains on the corner of her mouth, it would be hard to believe that she was vomiting blood and struggling to die just now.

"Ting Tong, you have some tricks, so I can't follow them?! If it wasn't for the fact that I was about to die, how could you show up?!"

Ling Luoyu moved her body a bit, and the cloud was calm.

"It's just two mouthfuls of blood. If you want to see it, I can spray it on for you..."

The corner of Ting Tong's mouth twitched violently, and finally regained his composure.

"So what if you're not dead?! You're not dead now, but it doesn't mean you won't die after a while!"

His eyes fell on the long sword, which had completely fallen into the flames, and the fire grooves began to merge.

With a sway in his eyes, a different kind of smile appeared on his face.

"Yan Wang, I want to give you a you dare to accept it?!"


Before Ling Luoyu finished speaking, Ting Tong threw something back.

And at that moment, he turned and fled.

Ling Luoyu's eyes darkened, and she backed away suddenly.


Amidst the deafening explosion, she was directly blown away by a wave of air.

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