Princess Against the World

Chapter 719 How dare you be so rude? !

Thinking of this, Ling Luoyu was terrified and inexplicably broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Ting Tong didn't expect that he would end up like that, otherwise, if he had left Ling Jingchen in the volcano, he would be powerless now.

With a smile, she patted Ling Jingchen on the shoulder.

"Ling Jingchen, you don't need to know what happened! You just need to remember that your life was picked!!"

Ling Jingchen looked her up and down suspiciously, frowning.

"Instructor, what happened? Why are you in such a mess?"

Before Ling Luoyu could say anything, she heard a deep shout from behind.

"what happened!"

Ling Jingchen's pupils shrank suddenly: "It's Tian Long!"

Amid the sound of clothes hunting, Tian Long arrived in a flash with an old man in gray robe.

"What happened to the Triangle Stream? It was so good, why did it collapse?!"

His eyes searched for his son in the crowd, and his eyes changed slightly.

"Where is Tian Ziwen? Where is Tian Ziwen?!"

A disciple of the Tian family hurriedly pointed to Ling Luoyu: "Our young master went in with her! But she was the only one who came out by herself. Neither Young Master Wen nor Fourth Master Nan from the Nan family came out..."

Tian Long's footsteps staggered instantly, and he couldn't help but dodged two steps back: "Wen'er..."

The gray-robed old man behind him took a step forward and supported him vigorously.

"Second brother, don't worry!"

Tian Long suddenly turned around and grabbed his arm: "Brother, you must save Wen'er..."

He looked at the collapsed volcano in despair, and muttered mechanically in his mouth.

"Save Wen'er...Save Wen'er..."

In fact, he is very clear.

If Tian Ziwen was really in the mountains, not to mention he was saved, even the corpse might not be seen.

"Second brother, don't worry, I watched Wen'er grow up, he is just like my son! Whether it is dead or alive, I will give you an explanation!!"

The old man in gray robe raised his head sharply, and looked at Ling Luoyu with gloomy eyes.

"Where's Tian Ziwen?!"

Ling Luoyu rolled her eyes: "I'm not his father, so I have to watch him all the time! How do I know where he is?"

Ling Jingchen's eyes looked very strange slowly, it seemed that he was about to cry.


He lowered his voice, almost speaking with his lips.

Ling Luoyu raised her eyebrows in disdain: "What?"

"Do you know who he is? Do you dare to talk to him like this?"


"He is Tian Xing...he is Tian Long's elder brother!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Is there anything you can't mess with! ?

"Half of the reason why the Tian family dared to be so tyrannical is because of him...he is at the eighth level of the mysterious god..."

Looking at their Ling family, Ling Chongding has the highest cultivation level, but he can't compete with Tian Xing.

Over the years, if it weren't for the suppression and deterrence of the Great Duke in the capital, the Tian family would have swallowed the Ling family long ago.

Now that Ling Luoyu is choking with Tian Xing in person, isn't that asking for embarrassment, asking for death!

"Eighth Layer of Profound God?!" Ling Luoyu squinted and raised his eyebrows.

Ling Jingchen nodded quickly: "Yes!"

My heart said that this time you should stop and restrain yourself, right? !

Unexpectedly, she immediately sneered with disdain: "So what?!"

Ling Jingchen: "..."

Co-authoring what he just said is in vain.

Tian Xing didn't take their mutterings seriously, as if he didn't hear them.

"The three of you went down together, and now you are the only one coming up, I don't ask you, so who should I ask?!"

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