Princess Against the World

Chapter 7293 Showdown-18

The Human Emperor was stunned for a moment, then said calmly: "How would I know?"

The Human Emperor's memory is naturally his own memory.

As for him, he just needs to accept this memory.

Do we still need to investigate where this memory comes from? ?

"What do you mean by asking in such detail?"

Could it be that there is something wrong with this memory of the Human Emperor?

Ling Luoyu still had that calm smile: "I told you it's not interesting, I'm just curious, well... to be precise, I suddenly remembered something!"

The Human Emperor was not used to her smile like this: "What's the matter?"

Only with an emotional smile can you capture the other person's mind, grasp the other person's emotions, and gain insight into something.

But this emotionless, indifferent smile is hard to fathom.

"I remember that in my hometown, there was such a custom. When the heaven and earth created things, there was no written record. At that time, if people wanted to record something, they would tie a knot with - knot - Document things!”

While saying this, Ling Luoyu stared at the Human Emperor aggressively, staring into his eyes, not letting go of any detail.

"For example... to do one thing, they will tie a knot like this. If they want to do another thing, they will tie a knot in another direction. Big knots for big things, small knots for small things, one or two , three, four... serial knots, in short, no matter which knot, the corresponding story will eventually change..."

The Human Emperor's pupils shrank: "Is there such a thing?"

"Why, doesn't the Human Emperor know?"

"You already said it was about your hometown, how could I know?"

"Isn't the Human Emperor curious...could this be the memory of the Human Emperor that I inherited?"

"……What did you say?"

"Oh, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. In fact, you and I have one thing in common, and that is the memory of the Human Emperor..."

Ling Luoyu tilted his head seriously and thought for a while.

"In that case, it must have been a long, long time ago. At that time, I saw a lot of pictures that did not belong to me, strange pictures. At first, I didn't understand why I saw these things. Later I realized , that is the memory that belongs to the Human Emperor..."

The Human Emperor obviously didn't believe this statement: "Why, can you also see the Human Emperor's past?"

"You are his spirit body and can see his memories. I am his reincarnation. Although it is just the reincarnation of a bone, the power carried by this bone and the meaning it contains are not necessarily as high as your spirit body. How much less, so..."

Ling Luoyu shook his finger, looking a little arrogant.

"You said, I have his memory, is there any problem?"

The Emperor was speechless for a moment.

No problem, of course! !

He is not the Human Emperor, and he cannot explain whether the reincarnation of the Human Emperor's divine bones will also inherit the Human Emperor's memory.

Besides, it seems that there is not much point in debating this issue now.

"So, what exactly do you want to tell me?"

"I just want to tell you, Lord Human Emperor, that the knot issue I just mentioned may be my memory, or it may be the memory transferred to me by the Emperor... Really, it's too long ago, I really Can not remember……"


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