Princess Against the World

Chapter 7304 Rebirth is the key-9

"Then let's take another look and see if there is any way to leave..." Ling Luoyu gestured to the Human Emperor: "The ghost-like characters below are too small, and it's difficult for me to read them. Why don't you explain them? "

Although she didn't know some words, she could still understand the overall meaning.

If the Human Emperor wanted to fool him, I'm afraid it wouldn't be that simple.

Fortunately, the Human Emperor has no extra thoughts to fool her here.

"Generally speaking, these small characters are written about the sacrificial ceremony. In other words, if someone takes action and kills both of us, and follows the above ritual...if the sacrificial ceremony is carried out, then the Human Emperor will Can be reborn..."

The Human Emperor's voice was still very relaxed, without much pressure.

Ling Luoyu took a rough look around and found that the general meaning was similar.

Then he felt relieved: "At present, our lives are not in danger, but we don't say... how can you get rid of him?"

She lowered her head and focused on the text about the place of sacrifice.

"Does it say... the secret to getting rid of this artifact completely?"

The Human Emperor was speechless: "What do you think?"

This is the sacrificial rune that allows the Emperor to be reborn, not the secret that allows him to get rid of the artifact in the Ancient Tomb of the Emperor.

"How is that possible... The Human Emperor wants to kill me here so that he can be reborn. How could he possibly tell me how to leave?"


Ling Luoyu pursed his lips and his eyes wandered over the words helplessly.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, she blinked curiously, stared at a place carefully, rubbed her eyes, and stared at that place again.

The Human Emperor was speechless by her appearance: "What are you doing?"

"Look here, what's written on it?"

The Human Emperor followed her finger and read it roughly. He frowned and said with some boredom, "Didn't I tell you this? This is the Human Emperor's sacrifice rune. In other words, it is for his rebirth. It’s prepared and has nothing to do with us, so why do you care about the words on it?”

Ling Luoyu was much more serious than he thought: "What I want is for you to tell me the accurate answer, not your complaints!"

His eyes were slightly raised, and he smiled sideways.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, don't you know these words?"

"How can it be?"

Knowing that Ling Luoyu was provoking him, the Human Emperor still translated what he knew word for word.

While speaking, he also paid close attention to the changes in her expression, and found that the more he spoke, the more wrong her expression became.

Not daring to be careless for a moment, I read that passage twice in a row.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?"

When he read this passage twice just now, he also thought about it twice.

Nothing unusual was found.

But Ling Luoyu's expression was still very wrong, and he suddenly raised his hand and pointed to a place: "Tell me, how do I read it here?"


The Human Emperor focused on that place and frowned.

"It long as you and I are killed..."

Ling Luoyu suddenly raised his head, and the Human Emperor immediately shut up, glanced at the place again, and finally nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, it does say so, you and I will be killed..."

"Kill where?"

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