Princess Against the World

Chapter 7317 A Game-2

There was a hint of imperceptible pride on the Human Emperor's face.

Ling Luoyu caught his expression: "Lord Human Emperor, if this is the case, then what are you afraid of?"


Men have a natural desire to win.

Not to mention, a man of the same level as the Human Emperor.

In his bones, there is a kind of arrogance of being aloof and unwilling to admit defeat.

What Ling Luoyu wants is his innate pride! !

"...Okay!!" Taking a step back, the Human Emperor really withdrew the pressure: "Let me see what kind of tricks you can do...see what else you can yourself! "

Once the pressure of the Human Emperor was removed, the power in Ling Luoyu's body lost balance, and he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood again.

"...I have said it all, Lord Human are really worrying too much. I just want to be decent and walk on the road to hell beautifully. Do you really really think that I am still here now?" Is there a way to save myself?"

Standing up tremblingly, she met the Human Emperor's gaze.

"Stop talking about you, I even think it's impossible!"

The Human Emperor did not answer, but looked at her steadily, apparently waiting for her next move.

Ling Luoyu took out the toiletries seriously, untied her bun, and combed it out.

The moment her long hair spread out, the Human Emperor's Adam's apple suddenly moved up and down, and his eyes looking at her became a little hotter.

Ling Luoyu didn't seem to notice anything was wrong with him. Looking in the mirror, he put his hair up again and put a jade hairpin on it.

His eyes flickered slightly, he looked at the Human Emperor, and smiled: "Your Majesty, I wonder if you would mind if I change into beautiful clothes?"

"...Change clothes?" The Human Emperor's eyes jumped again: "Of course!"

Not to mention speaking from a man's point of view at this time, just from a person's point of view, admiring a beautiful woman changing her clothes is also a pleasing thing for both the beauties and the eyes.

Ling Luoyu smiled brightly: "If that's the case, can I trouble you, Lord Human Emperor, to... turn around a little bit?"

The Human Emperor's expression suddenly froze, and he looked at her without speaking, but did not turn around either.

Ling Luoyu sighed helplessly: "I'm like this, where else can I run?"


The Human Emperor still didn't move.

Ling Luoyu frowned: "My Lord, what do you mean by this? You can't ask me, a girl, to straighten my clothes and change my clothes in front of a big man like you, right?"

"..." The Human Emperor tilted his chin slightly, and after scanning her up and down several times, he slowly turned around and turned his back to her.


As soon as Ling Luoyu untied his belt, the Human Emperor suddenly turned his head.

"Ouch", Ling Luoyu subconsciously wrapped his clothes tightly and took two steps back, as if he was frightened, and his face turned pale.

"What are you doing?"

The Human Emperor raised his eyebrows: "Miss Ling, I've seen your tricks before. Even when I turn around, what kind of things can't you do?"

"Lord Human Emperor, are you serious?" Ling Luoyu shook his head somewhat self-deprecatingly: "Don't be joking. I left you for so long just now, but I didn't even kill you. Now, in the blink of an eye, What can I do with my time?"


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