Princess Against the World

Chapter 7320 A Game-5

A trace of clothing caught her eye, and she slowly raised her head to meet a familiar face.

He coughed twice again and collapsed to the ground.

"Oh, nothingness...Do you need to recognize your master again? Or do you need to sever the contractual relationship between our master and servant before you recognize your master again?"

Xuanwu tilted his head and looked at the injuries all over her body: "Seeing as you can still joke with me, I guess the injuries on her body don't matter anymore?"

Ling Luoyu lay on the ground with his arms and legs spread out, his whole body was helpless: "I thought...but you see me like this, I am only one step away from death? Think about it, when I walked through the gate of hell, I didn't Are you so embarrassed?"

Xuwu curled his lips: "If you enter the gate of hell, it means you are dead. Dead people have no feelings. Do you want to have feelings or not?"

"I choose to have feelings... This feeling of pain and happiness cannot be felt all the time. Help me up quickly, I can still get high..."

With her empty arms, she just sat up and spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Damn guy... Fortunately I hid quickly, and fortunately you had strong telepathy and dragged me in. Otherwise... I would have been reduced to ashes by now and turned into powder by him..."

Thinking about it now, the pressure from the Human Emperor was designed to make him disappear into ashes.

"Now that you know you're afraid, why did you go there?" Xu Wu rolled his eyes: "When you made this decision, didn't you think about what the consequences would be if you provoked that guy?"

At first, when he received the message from Ling Luoyu, he was really shocked. It feels like the owner is really crazy! !

How dare she do such a crazy thing?

This is simply the last blow! !

Moreover, if it is not broken well, it will be the death of the soul.

"What are you afraid of? Since ancient times, wealth has been gained through danger. If you haven't experienced nine deaths, how can you still be qualified to show off and brag in front of a fat man... what about that!"

Ling Luoyu coughed and vomited two mouthfuls of blood again.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, he raised his eyebrows as he looked at the bright red.

"This can be considered... my life experience. I come here to talk about it all the time. I really had a narrow escape from death..."

That's what he said, but speaking from his heart, Ling Luoyu still has lingering fears when he thinks of that moment just now, that life-and-death moment.

Because it was just that short of a flash of lightning, now she is no longer qualified to sit here and talk about things.

Everything that happened just now will only become her life experience on the road to hell! !

Xuwu frowned as he looked at Ling Luoyu, who was almost hanging on his arm: "Master, you are really seriously injured and you can't do anything anymore. Why don't you take a rest first?"

"It's okay. I can't die even if I'm here with you, so what else can I do to recuperate? Let's deal with the matter of the Human Emperor first, and then I can slowly recuperate!!"

Ling Luoyu raised his eyes and saw a coffin not far away! !

That’s right!

coffin! !

The coffin of the Human Emperor.

When she was beaten to death, when the Human Emperor said that he was also afraid of dying in her hands, Ling Luoyu suddenly came up with this idea.

——Grab the coffin! !

Judging from the various signs of the Human Emperor, what he cares about most is his own body.

Although I don’t know why, the human emperor’s body will definitely die.

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