Princess Against the World

Chapter 7322 A game-7

Niuwu: "...What's wrong? I said something wrong again. Is it true? Don't you have some mummies over there? It's for the purpose of protecting your body after death. Was Jinglai resurrected? That mummy... is far worse than this one..."

He shared almost all the information about his master.

Therefore, he basically knew some things about Ling Luoyu's previous life.

"Nihility, tell me...our spiritual energy in the Chaos Realm is so abundant, will alive?"

"...Can't!?" Niwu directly denied: "The space he is in is also a space artifact, and it is his own artifact. It can't even make him come alive. It also requires specific rituals, and you. Bones, on our side, are just a bit of spiritual energy, how can we possibly resurrect him?"

"No, no, no, that's not what I mean. I mean...can we resurrect him? To be precise, when he is half dead and looks like a human being, we can...KO him?"


After blinking for a long time, he finally realized what he was doing.

"Master, you...did the Human Emperor hit you on the head just now?"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

"...otherwise, how could you just talk nonsense?"


"What is the human emperor's hard-working scheming, just to come back to life, but after so many scheming, he has not come back to life. Is there any way you can resurrect him? Could it be... just with the little aura I have here? "

Xingwu opened his arms and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"I'm not a god. I can come back to life with just a little bit of spiritual energy..."

So what became of him?

Then don't do anything, just be a magic stick, and you will be worry-free for the rest of your life, and you can still be respected by others and be called a god.

"No, no, no, you don't understand what I mean," Ling Luoyu interrupted him hastily, with a light in his eyes: "Don't we have... a ghost coffin?"

"...Master, you really hurt your head, are you going crazy?"

"Of course I'm serious. Let's resurrect him. At least he won't be like he is now...invulnerable. When he's half-dead and not fully resurrected, we can chop off his head with a knife. That'll be OK. ?”

"Crazy, really crazy..." Xianwu held his head, looking like he couldn't bear the collapse: "How dare you think of such a crazy thing?"

What is a ghost coffin?

That is what the Lord of God wants to get after putting all his efforts into it.

Although I don’t know if the ghost coffin can really resurrect life, it is certainly unusual.

Now, the master dares to put one of his biggest enemies, a rival, there to be resurrected? ?

Nihility feels like his worldview is collapsing.

"Aren't you afraid of what might happen? What if he really survives? With his ability, my Chaos Realm... I'm afraid it will really change its owner, right?"


Even in the realm of chaos, the power of the Human Emperor cannot be underestimated.

Who knows what will happen to that heaven-defying power once he comes back to life! !

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected! !

just in case……

If things are really as he said, then it will really be out of control!

"Master, I think this is a very stupid method..."

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