Princess Against the World

Chapter 7325 A game-10

If the Human Emperor still had the upper hand, then her face would be unnecessary.

And what about the Human Emperor?

Although his eyes are still closed, he looks no different from a dead person.

But judging from his body reaction, he enjoyed lying in this ghost coffin.

The reaction to dragging him out was naturally an instinctive right to resist! !

"Oh... you still don't want to leave, don't I want to lose face?!" Ling Luoyu also got angry: "Xiuwu, drag him out!!"

Not to mention, this matter is also related to life and death.

Just talking about face, she can't afford to embarrass this person! !

The Human Emperor was once again dragged out of the ghost coffin.

This time, before he could fall, Ling Luoyu took the lead and kicked the ghost coffin away!


The Human Emperor fell heavily to the ground.

Ling Luoyu and Xu Wu locked his shoulders in a tacit understanding at the same time, suppressing him with absolute strength.

Without the ghost coffin, the human emperor's body also lost its movement and turned into a stiff stone again.

Ling Luoyu was somewhat frightened: "Good guy, I almost let him..."


The Human Emperor's body suddenly made a dull sound.

Then, a tremor.

"what's the situation?"

As soon as Ling Luoyu finished speaking, there was another "bang".

" seems like this guy's body is...self-destructing??"

It looked like a firecracker had exploded inside his body.

"It's so good, why did he blow himself up? Does he think his life is too long?"

Another voice came from the Human Emperor's body. After the two looked at each other, they stopped their hands in tacit agreement and took two steps back.


"...Don't ask me, I don't know either..."


"...Just treat it as a fun show!"


Later, the sounds inside the Human Emperor became more violent and the intervals became shorter, until later, his body was shaking continuously.

Just when Ling Luoyu and Xuwu stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, their faces were confused.


The Human Emperor's body suddenly exploded completely.

A huge wave of air instantly blew Ling Luoyu and Nothingness away.


Ling Luoyu, whose old injury had not yet healed, vomited blood again, fell heavily to the ground, and rolled over twice in embarrassment.


Xingwu stopped her with quick eyes and quick hands.

But even so, she still vomited two more mouthfuls of blood and gasped.

"What the hell is going on?"

"...I don't know, it seems like he blew himself up..."

"I'm not blind... I can see! What I'm asking is, why did he blow himself up?"

"...Master, you are being unreasonable. The ghost coffin is not mine. You should ask Dingmiao..."

"...that boy..."

Ling Luoyu said in his heart that it was probably in vain to ask. In all likelihood, he had no idea what this thing was about.

However, there is one thing that is a good thing...

"Xiwu, please tell me first...are these things on our bodies definitely the Human Emperor's?"

The two of them are now considered two bloody people.

From head to toe, they were covered in messy things.

Only then did Xianwu realize that he was also extremely disgusting, and he frowned in disgust: "No, I have to go wash it off first. This...isn't this too disgusting?"

This is the first time in his life that he has encountered such a disgusting thing.

Ling Luoyu rolled his eyes: "What's this? Isn't it just human flesh and blood? You have eaten pork and you have seen pigs running away, right? Your master, I have killed so many people, are you still afraid of seeing blood?"

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