Princess Against the World

Chapter 7337 Out -1

"Besides, weren't you just right and just wanted to die? If he could really slap you to death, wouldn't it be exactly what you wanted?"

Gu Lan:......

I had no choice but to follow her wishes and return to the Human Emperor.

As expected, the Human Emperor jumped up suddenly after hearing these words.

"Don't think that because you got the body, I will tolerate you again and again... The reason why I want to get the human body back is because of the little thoughts between him and me... No matter what, it is me after all, it's me In terms of completeness, I still hope that I am complete, but strictly speaking, it doesn't matter... Because now I have been reborn, so, Miss Ling, don't challenge again and again. My patience..."

"Really? Then ask him, what would he do if he beat him? Will he kill you?"

Ling Luoyu's tone was so desperate and provocative that Gu Lan was so angry that he wanted to slap her.

"I said Miss Ling, do you want to kill me or him..."


"Do you think, if I say these words, will he use my head to sacrifice his body?"

Ling Luoyu was a little reluctant and muttered through gritted teeth: "It's not that exaggerated, right? He wouldn't... risk his own body to kill you, would he?"

Gu Lan was a little angry and vomited blood: "What do you think? Do you think... should I take a gamble and see if he will really screw my head off?"

In their current tense atmosphere, she still dared to say such things.

Isn't this encouraging him to seek death quickly and get his head killed? !

"Then what do you mean? I will return the body to him now... Let's not say whether the body is in my hands or not. Let's make an assumption. Assume that the body is in my hands and I return the body to him. Then do you think... will he kill us, or let us go? We have both been tortured so badly by him, do you still believe in his credibility?!"

Gu Lan was speechless for a moment.

Ling Luoyu guessed what he was thinking: "Actually, you know better than me. The reason why the Human Emperor cares so much about the body is not what he said at all. It must be because this body is very important and meaningful to him... …It’s very meaningful and very important?!”

Her voice suddenly felt wrong.

Even Gu Lan heard the trembling sound in it.

"What's wrong?"

"Did you just hurt him?"

"...Didn't you see everything?"

"What did you use to hurt him?"


Gu Lan found this question a bit puzzling.

Does it matter what you hurt him with?

Anyway, the result is that the Human Emperor was injured, isn’t that enough?

Ling Luoyu, however, still pursued the question: "Are you using a magic weapon?"

"Of course not!" Gu Lan was a little helpless: "Look at me like this, how embarrassed I am now, where can I go... to get some magic weapons?"

Do you really think highly of him? !

"In my current state... let alone a magic weapon, I can't even get it to be steamed buns and sesame cakes..."

It’s also a magical weapon! !

"That's not right..." Ling Luoyu suddenly laughed: "Mr. Gu, I seem to have found... the reason why he insists on the original body!!"

just now--

In the middle of the fight between her and the Human Emperor! !

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