In that moment. We agreed to advance and retreat together, and we agreed to kill the enemy as one unit? !

It's fine now. As promised, could it be... this broken knife? ?

"Ling Luoyu, we agreed to live and die together, is this the life and death you and I share? Could it be that... just use this knife to share life and death with me?"

"Lord Gu Lan, don't worry, it's not time for me to take action yet..."

"...It's not the time for you to take action yet?" Gu Lan felt like he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood from his heart: "Then when do you plan to take action? Do you want to wait until I am killed by him?"

"...Of course I won't wait until that time. Otherwise, how can I tell you, Mr. Gu, that we will live and die together?"

"...Then you are..."

"Anyway, I can be regarded as a killing move of the Human Emperor. You should have seen that he is much more afraid of me than you are..."

Gu Lanpi smiled but said: "Why do I feel that he is more murderous towards you than towards me?"

"Well... if you say that, it means the same thing. Anyway, that's what it means..." Ling Luoyu cracked melon seeds and said leisurely: "Anyway, I can't show my face now. Once I show my face, he will definitely chase me. He was looking for me to kill... If that were the case, how could I sneak up on him and kill him, right??"

"……you want……"

Ling Luoyu quickly suppressed his words: "Shh! You can't say it, it won't work if you say it..."

Gu Lan: "..."

"You have also seen that the Human Emperor's power, even if you and I join forces, we will definitely not be his opponent, so... we can only take the wrong approach and engage in assassinations or something..."


"Perhaps, at some point, I will suddenly take action and kill him... But if I am exposed now, how can the two of us carry out assassinations?"

Gu Lan: ...To be honest, there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

But if you think about it carefully, that's not the case at all.

"Whatever you want to do, you can do it, but you have to save my life. Otherwise... what are you going to do?"

On the opposite side, after the Human Emperor fell back, he looked at him with eyes that made him want to eat him alive.

With such pure hatred, he was afraid that if he used another killing move, his life would really not be saved.

And at this moment, the Human Emperor's sword spun again and killed him.

"Aren't you coming yet?" Gu Lan couldn't help but hold the soul blade tightly.


Didn't wait for Ling Luoyu's answer.

"Damn..." He couldn't help but curse.

The soul blade flipped over and faced the Human Emperor's sword! !

The moment the soul blade exploded, Gu Lan felt another force coming from behind him.

It's Ling Luoyu! !

Gu Lan felt much more at ease instantly.

I don't know why, but as soon as she takes action, it seems that he has a better chance of winning! !

At that moment, the chaotic spirit filled Gu Lan's body, and then wandered through the eight extraordinary meridians.

At this moment, Gu Lan suddenly felt the majestic power of the Chaos Yuanling.

"This power..."

It's too shocking.

It was also a power he had never seen before and never imagined.

It was at this moment that a kind of greed arose in his heart...

If this power can be used for him, then he can definitely become the most powerful person in the world.

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