Princess Against the World

Chapter 7346 Out -10

Even Ling Luoyu, coupled with the heaven-defying power in her hands and the magic weapon, might not be able to hurt the main body.

There must have been some unexpected change that allowed her to succeed!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to destroy the Human Emperor's body! ?

The Human Emperor is also waiting for this answer! !

He wants to know more than anyone else, what happened to his body?

His body has reached the point of becoming indestructible!

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to remain so calm and composed after being taken away by Ling Luoyu.

Because he knew very well in his heart that no one could damage his own body.

Although he is always paying attention to himself and protecting himself, even if he leaves his protection, his body will not be damaged at all.

Unless - something really unforgivable happened.

But does this kind of thing that is difficult for God to happen just happen?

That requires the right time, right location, and the right people...all of them are indispensable.

The Human Emperor originally believed that his resurrection was God's will!

Therefore, no one can harm his body!

Even if it is God's will, it cannot be harmed.

But who would have thought?

This kind of thing that is difficult to do according to God's will really happened.

Just for a moment, he had a very subtle feeling.

It seems that something of mine is lost!

Moreover, it is still lost forever!

It was a feeling that he couldn't describe, but it felt... very obvious.

The Emperor cannot accurately describe what it feels like.

It's just... deep down inside, I feel inexplicably helpless, scared, empty, lonely and cold...

These complicated feelings seemed to merge together, blending into an indescribable emotion that came to his mind and made him very uncomfortable.

It was at that moment that he had an instinctive intuition that something was wrong with his body.

However, he did not dare to seriously think about it, because it was simply impossible.

How could something happen to his body?

How could something happen?

What could happen? !

But the more you fear something, the more it will come to you.

The moment he was injured, he realized...that his sixth sense had really come true.

This feeling really made him explode.

Especially when he saw his empty coffin appeared in front of him, this feeling of despair and suffocation became even more obvious.

He wanted to find Ling Luoyu, wanted to find out the truth of the matter, wanted to understand what happened, and wanted to confirm whether his body still existed...

In fact, what he wanted most was to hear with his own ears the final answer Ling Luoyu gave her.

"What on earth...what did you do to my body? Where is he?"

Ling Luoyu finally turned his gaze to him and smiled calmly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, please don't look at me with that... pitiful look, as if I have committed a big crime... We'd better start first Find out our relationship clearly!"

Wagging her fingertips, she walked towards him leisurely.

"Not long ago, in this ancient tomb, I almost died in your hands. Your Majesty, the Human Emperor, you should remember this..."

The Human Emperor gritted his teeth: "It seems I made a mistake, otherwise... you wouldn't have the ability to stand in front of me and show your teeth with me, so arrogant!"

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