Princess Against the World

Chapter 7359 Overlapping Space-1

Because of the collapse of space, the two of them spent a lot of effort to find the small dark room.

When going down the stairs, Gu Lan suddenly held her wrist.

Ling Luoyu took a step back vigilantly, shook his hand away, and kept a certain distance: "Mr. Gu, when you are running for life or death, don't create any complications!"

Gu Lan raised his eyebrows: "What are you afraid of?"


"Are you still afraid that I will secretly attack you and cause harm to you?" Gu Lan couldn't help laughing: "Miss Ling, you can even kill the Human Emperor, wouldn't it be easy to kill me?! If it were you and me , do you have the courage?"

Ling Luoyu smiled half-heartedly: "I have the courage, but... I won't be that stupid!"

"Do I look like such a stupid person?"

"..." Ling Luoyu smiled noncommittally and did not answer.

Gu Lan sighed helplessly: "Okay! Now, it seems there is no point for the two of us to argue about this, right?"

"Mr. Gu, it seems you were the one who started the argument, right?"

"...I really didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to ask you, can you guarantee that I can get out after passing through here this time?"

"If I say I can guarantee it, will you believe it?"


"Isn't this the end!?" Ling Luoyu pouted her lips very calmly: "I can't even guarantee whether I can get out alive after I go through it myself, so how can I guarantee you?"

Who knows what happened to Gu Lan just now to make him return to the ancient tomb! ?

If you don’t know the reason, you naturally can’t decide on the final details! !

"However, if you don't believe me, or if you have any worries, you can choose to continue waiting here... If you are not safe, you will be automatically thrown out of the space after the Human Emperor's space collapses!"

Ling Luoyu turned around to leave, but Gu Lan stepped in front of her again.

"What are you going to do again?" Ling Luoyu couldn't bear it anymore.

The human emperor's space may collapse at some point.

She didn't have the time or the mood to worry over and over again with Gu Lan here.


The soul blade trembled again, and the threat was very obvious.

Gu Lan glanced at the soul blade, bit his lip, and said seriously: "I'll... go with you!!"

"What?" Ling Luoyu thought he heard wrongly: "You...what are you...doing with me?"

"Let's go together!" Gu Lan held her wrist again: "This way, no matter what happens, we will be together..."

After a pause, he added.

"Don't even think about getting rid of me!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Is this guy serious? ?

The two of them are not from the same world at all! !

Do you really think this is a time and space travel where you can go wherever you want? ?

joke! !

Who knows what is behind this wall? !

If it's in the past, that's fine.

But if we go to the future, wouldn’t that be very subtle? ?

The two Gulans cannot exist in the same time and space at the same time! ?

The space shook, and the stairs behind them suddenly collapsed and began to twist.

"It's too late..." Gu Lan held her wrist again: "Both of us have no time to hesitate. If we wait any longer, who knows what will happen..."

Maybe, the two of them might be stuck here forever.

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