Princess Against the World

Chapter 7366 Overlapping Space-8

Gu Lan waved his hands repeatedly, stood up, and bowed.

"Miss Ling, I was wrong... I shouldn't let down the girl's kindness, but now, let's talk about that thing first!"

He pointed into the distance.

"Has the girl seen that thing?"

"I saw it from your eyes, does that count as seeing it?"

"That you have anything to say?"



"I really didn't. All I was thinking about at the time was how to bring your soul back, rather than what that thing was. However, I can be sure that that thing should have the ability to capture souls. ability……"

Ling Luoyu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly wanted to understand something.

"By the way, you were possessed. I should be the one asking you... You were like that just now, but what do you have to say?"


Gu Lan's pupils shrank, as if he had something to say.

But when the words came to his mouth, he hesitated and was beaten back by himself.

"What's wrong? Do you really have anything to say?" Ling Luoyu became more energetic: "Say it! Things have come to this point, what else do you have to say?"

"...Me? I don't know what to say..."

"……What's the meaning?"

Ling Luoyu saw that Gu Landao really didn't mean to say it, but it seemed... it was really hard to talk about it.

"You saw... something shameful, right? Oh..."

She suddenly drew out her voice, tapped Gu Lan with her finger, and smiled very ambiguously.

"That thing...couldn't it have revealed the darkest side of your heart? It allowed you to see your inner demons, because you felt that the inner demons were too ugly and ugly, so...I don't know how to describe it. ?”

Ling Luoyu was originally just joking, but Gu Lan's expression changed instantly. The moment she suddenly raised her head, she saw his eyes.

That look was very playful.

Ling Luoyu's smile gradually stiffened on his face: "Isn't it right?! You are not really convinced by what I said, are you?!"

That thing... can really reveal a person's inner demons? !

He was just making random nonsense and telling jokes casually! !

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect that I would be able to come up with the right idea! !

"Haha... I discovered that if one day in the future I suddenly lose my job and have nothing to do, I can just move to a small mazaar and go to fortune telling..."

Halfway through the joke, he found that Gu Lan's expression was still serious, so he had to sigh.

"Well, I originally wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but I didn't expect Mr. Gu... seemed to be out of mood! But your behavior makes me believe it..."

She leaned forward slightly and stared into Gu Lan's eyes.

"So, Mr. Gu, would it be convenient for you to introduce your inner demon?!"


"Forget it, if it's inconvenient for you, let's talk about something else..." Ling Luoyu thought of Gu Lan's obsession with the aurora, and shrugged calmly: "Actually, I think, what is that thing? It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if you can see a person’s inner demons, even if it’s the same as me, wouldn’t it be okay if you don’t see it?”

But the more relaxed she said it, the weirder Gu Lan's expression became.

Ling Luoyu looked into his eyes and half-smiled: "This thing doesn't seem to be a good thing. Mr. Gu, don't you have any special thoughts about it?"

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