Princess Against the World

Chapter 7374 Overlapping Space-16

"You are so powerful that you are invincible and can win all battles, and become the legendary God of War. But if you cannot contract it and become its master, you will be bitten by it..."

"Soul-taking?" Gu Lan was very cooperative and gave the result of backlash.

"Yes, by that time, it will be a thing that will swallow you up for you... You should have felt the soul-obsessing feeling. That feeling is very uncomfortable, right?"


"It's because you were lucky that you met me. With my help, I pulled you out so that your consciousness could stay awake. Otherwise... Mr. Gu, a smart person like you should have guessed that if you have been Facing your own inner demons, what will happen to you?"

Ling Luoyu made a very exaggerated expression, half-smiling but not smiling.

"At that time, you will understand what it means to drive yourself crazy..."


That being said, it should be about the same.

A guy of Gu Lan's level should understand that contract matters are determined by fate, God's will, and destiny.

Not just any cat or dog can be contracted.

If the contract is not enough, then it is a waste, and it is a waste that can hurt itself at any time.

Such a dangerous thing should dispel his thoughts, right? !

Sure enough, Gu Lan's expression became quite complicated. His eyes were fixedly looking in the direction of the aurora, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ling Luoyu took the opportunity to look at the stone with his name engraved on it——

If it is really as she thought, after the spaces overlap, things in the two spaces can appear in each other, then if she also leaves writing on it, will Feng Chenglin... receive it? ?

Glancing at Gu Lan, she smiled half-heartedly: "Mr. Gu, are you interested in leaving your name on it?"

Gu Lan's mind was still on Jiguang, so he just glanced at her lightly and did not answer her proposal.

Ling Luoyu chuckled: "If you feel embarrassed, it doesn't matter. I will help you carve it. My handwriting is very beautiful!"

At that moment, he took out a dagger and carved Gu Lan's name on the stone with his own name on it.

"You said... people are all in pairs. You have the same name, but you are all alone here. How pitiful. How about... I can help you match it, right? Well, what should you match it with?"

Ling Luoyu muttered seriously.

"The name should be conspicuous and unique, and it should be remembered by people at a glance..."

He glanced at Gu Lan and chuckled.

"Mr. Gu, do you have any good suggestions?"


"If you don't have a good suggestion, then... I will make the decision myself?"


"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence! Well, what name should I engrave on you?"

While Ling Luoyu was chanting, he carved three words next to Gu Lan's name - damn fat man! !

These three words should be extremely familiar to Feng Chenglin.

As soon as he saw these three words, he could definitely guess that this was the message she left.


I don't know when Feng Chenglin will be able to see these words.

What's more, he didn't know that he would only be able to see the information if he was old enough.

By that time, if he wants to send a message again, she will probably be in old age.

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