Princess Against the World

Chapter 7385 Eye of the Storm-7

The stone was thrown to the ground, and she managed to stand still with the help of her chaotic soul.

On the other hand, Feng Chenglin was lying there like a toad, with an innocent yet helpless smile on his face.

"Third Young Master...please do me a favor..."

Ling Luoyu created a barrier and pulled him in: "Didn't you say he was flying?"

Feng Chenglin's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he was very embarrassed: " did I know this would happen?"

This is just like seeing a ghost! ?

Obviously in the tornado just now, he was like a feather, being thrown randomly in the air.

Who would have thought that he would be thrown to the ground by a lump of dough! ?

"If the spaces overlap, they may not necessarily be the same. There may be two completely opposite directions, one counterclockwise and one clockwise. One is floating in the sky, and the other is naturally going to be thrown to the ground..."

Before Ling Luoyu finished speaking, Feng Chenglin's expression changed: "Third Young Master, why didn't you mention such an important issue just now?"

"I didn't know that just now?"


"This is my first time entering a tornado. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. Everything is exactly what you said. I'm not a god. I know everything!"


"Besides, wasn't I just like you, stupid enough to hold a stone in my arms?"


After saying this, Feng Chenglin felt much better.

"Only by suffering a setback can we gain wisdom. If we don't suffer a little loss, how can we be mean-spirited, right?"

"Well, since you have already suffered a loss, please tell me... what is that?"

Following the direction Ling Luoyu's finger pointed, Feng Chenglin saw something. After looking at it carefully, he frowned.

"That thing... looks like a person?"

Looking from a distance, there is a human-shaped thing in the center of the eye of the storm.

It's just that the wind of the tornado was so strong that it seemed to distort the space, making it difficult to see what it was.

"It looks like the same person to me, and... a very familiar person!"

"...Who is it?" Feng Chenglin asked casually, but then he realized something was wrong and looked at her in disbelief: "It can't be that... Gu Lan, right?"

"I also hope it's not him, but to be honest, judging from the color of his clothes, I really feel... it might be him!!"

Ling Luoyu knew that there was no explanation for these words, and she herself couldn't believe it: How could a person who disappeared in the opposite direction suddenly appear in the eye of a tornado? !

And it seemed that the man was motionless, more like a human sculpture.

Even if it is in the eye of the wind and there is no wind at all, it is impossible for a person to remain motionless in such an environment.

Feng Chenglin also discovered this situation: "That must be a dummy. How could it be a real person? The first reaction of the real person here is to find a place to escape. How could he still stand there so stupidly?! "

The two men looked at each other.

"How about we go over and take a look?"

"Just take a look!"

Anyway, they have no other choice now.

At that moment, Ling Luoyu removed the barrier, whirled against the strong wind, and walked toward the figure.

The closer he got, the deeper the doubts in Ling Luoyu's heart became: "Is it really Gu Lan?"

Although Gu Lan's back was turned to him, from the clothes and figure, that person was clearly him.

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