Princess Against the World

Chapter 7404 That’s it-4

Gu Lan's face was already pale at this time, and his breathing became rapid: "This thing... I don't know what's going on, but it is really as heavy as Mount Tai... Miss Ling, if you don't believe it, then Just give it a try and see if... you can pick it up!"

Ling Luoyu said in his heart that I should give it a try!

Of course she could pick this up.

In her hand, it was a rope, no different from what Feng Chenglin held.

But, she still doesn’t want to take it!

Isn't it too cheap to get up so easily? !

The reason why they are here now and the reason why they are trapped in this situation is because of this guy's machinations.

Moreover, they had fought against Gu Lan many times before.

Moreover, I was tricked by this guy many times.

Now, if she doesn't let him suffer some loss, she would be really sorry.

At that moment, he took a step back and looked at him very alertly.

"Mr. Gu, what trick are you playing? The two of us are sitting on a broken boat now. If I capsize, you may not be much better off. Don't plot against me?"

Gu Lan was covered in white hair and sweat from the pain: " could I plot against you? I was really...really suppressed. Look at me like this, do I look like I'm lying?"

"Mr. Gu, you don't like to hear what I say. The way you lie is... are you more sincere and less like a lie than you are now?"

Ling Luoyu was completely on alert, being bitten by a snake one year and afraid of well ropes for ten years.

"The two of us were in the human emperor's ancient tomb, but we were fighting to the death. We had killed hundreds of people. Now, you...just disappeared again. Don't deny it. I watched you disappear with my own eyes. Now, you suddenly appeared again. The appearance of..."

She took two steps back again and smiled.

"I understand, do you want to use this rope to plot against me?"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

I have to admit that the third young master of the Ling family is the third young master of the Ling family.

This lie sounds more true than the truth.

Look at that look in his eyes, look at that tone of voice, his acting skills are absolutely on point.

Don't even think that this little girl really doesn't know anything!

" could I lie to you?" Gu Lan was really anxious: "You also said that we are sitting on a broken boat now. If one of us capsizes, the other one will feel uncomfortable. I...I will naturally I won’t lie to you!”

"You say you won't lie, but you use actual actions to deceive people like crazy..." Feng Chenglin exposed him unceremoniously: "Girl, I advise you not to believe this guy. This guy is full of lies and not a single word of truth..."

He clapped his hands and made the gesture he had just made with his crackling.

"You also saw this rope when I picked it up. It was fluffy and soft, and it was incredibly light... But when you see what he is like now, oh, it's amazing. Even if it's tied by one end... It's like a stone smashed both hands into the soil... It's not trustworthy, it's not trustworthy, it's a bunch of lies, you villain, I'm bah..."

Gu Lan was really going crazy because of the torment.

He didn't know what was going on.

He didn't understand why a rope that was soft to tread just now suddenly became like a mountain, pinning him down and unable to move.

But no one can listen to his explanation, and no one will listen.

To be honest, if it were him, he wouldn't believe it.

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