Princess Against the World

Chapter 7408 That’s it-8

Shouldn't the aurora be that high and distant thing?

Why do you look so ugly? !

Ling Luoyu and Gu Lan's eyes fell on each other at the same time, quietly and without speaking.

Gu Lan then looked at the two people, and his eyes jumped: "You don't think that I am chasing this thing, right? It's impossible? This is the first time I have seen this thing..."

"You... are so strange? We didn't say anything to you, why are you so eager to explain with a pale face?" Feng Chenglin frowned pretending to be confused and glanced at the crackling in his hand: "You know what? ?Looking at your face, I suddenly had the feeling that there is no silver in this place. The more eager you are to explain, the more I feel...this thing is unusual! "

Ling Luoyu patted him and pushed him aside, with a look of disgust on his face: "It's just a broken rope, what else is there to do with it? At most, it's just a belt for you to tie you up. Old waist!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

When it comes to attacking people with a vicious tongue, Ling Luoyu is still unique.

At that moment, he wrapped Crackle around his waist very cooperatively.

"The waistband is the waistband. Let me tell you, this damn place... there's not even a bite to eat. It won't be long before the three of us are so hungry that we'll have to tighten our belts. By then, I still have a belt to use." Le Yi Le, where are you two? What should I do with you?!"

Ling Luoyu snapped his fingers and looked away from Gu Lan: "Although this guy is not pleasant, what he said is the truth. The three of us... may really be trapped here now!"

Gu Lan was silent and didn't speak.

Ling Luoyu continued: "At the beginning, I thought that as long as we found the tornado, we would have found a way out, but now it seems that this is not the case at all. We just jumped from one dilemma to another. It’s just a dilemma…”

"Not's all just a dilemma!" Gu Lan muttered in a low voice, his eyes turning sharply.

"What? Do you have a solution?"

"...No!" Gu Lan quickly looked away and his eyes returned to normal: "I am just like you, what can I do? We are all trapped here..."

"There's a difference between being trapped and being trapped!" Feng Chenglin lowered his head and fiddled with his new waistband while chuckling: "For a top person like you, Mr. Gu, something that can trap you should be Not much, just use your brain and fingers, and you should be able to get out. You are not like me. If I am trapped, I am really trapped..."

When he was talking, he looked up and saw two people looking at him, and immediately shrugged seriously.

"Am I wrong? Although I don't know what happened to the two of you and how you got here, I can be sure that the fact that you two are here has something to do with the messy environment around you... As for I must have been implicated by you!"

Ling Luoyu rolled her eyes at him: "Then how do you know that you have nothing to do with this messy environment?"

"Needless to say, what do I have? Don't I know in my heart? In terms of cultivation, ability, even if it's good-looking or not, I am crushed by you two... What do I have? I’m qualified to compete with you in this messy environment, right?”

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