Princess Against the World

Chapter 7420 That’s it-20

"...What do you think?" Gu Lan's eyes were full of despair: "You look at me like this, as if nothing has happened?"

His tone and tone of voice no longer had the domineering aura he had before.

But a sense of dejection and powerlessness of self-abandonment! !

If he was disliked by Jiguang for the first time, it might be because of his own fault, because he acted too hastily, so it was counterproductive.

Unexpectedly, the second time it turned out to be the same result.

"You're already like this. As for that guy, wouldn't it be worse than you? Isn't there no bones left and his soul scattered now?" Ling Luoyu said it calmly, as if he was joking casually.

"How is it possible? We are both people who want to get the Aurora. Now that I have failed and I am here, then do you think...who will be the successful one?"

"Isn't it possible? Is it that guy? How could it be possible? Mr. Gu, don't be joking..." Ling Luoyu said seriously: "A strong man like you would even be despised by Aurora. That guy is so weak, how could he be..." Jiguang recognizes his master? The person Jiguang chooses must be powerful, how can that guy be worthy?"

"Yes, the people chosen by Jiguang are all powerful people. How do you think that guy is not strong, but Jiguang just chooses him as his master? So what do you think...did we both see it wrong? "

Gu Lan finally looked at Ling Luoyu. His eyes were really filled with despair, without any energy at all.

"To be honest, I don't believe it myself... If the last slap I slapped on him hadn't been blocked by Aurora, I wouldn't have been able to believe that he would have been recognized by Aurora as his master!"


Judging from his appearance, he was seriously not joking.

Ling Luoyu's heart couldn't help but jump twice: "How is it possible? How could he be... recognized as the master?"

"Yes, I also want to know how he could be recognized as the master!!" Gu Lan resentfully and unwillingly sat up suddenly and looked behind Ling Luoyu.

Ling Luoyu was moved and turned around to look.

Behind him, Feng Chenglin had appeared.


Something seemed to be jumping between his eyebrows.

Especially his eyes, which were cold and unruly, no longer the gentle and transparent eyes of the past.

Gu Lan stood up slowly and realized something was wrong: "Did you feel that this guy... seemed to have some change in his aura?"

"It has indeed changed!" Ling Luoyu naturally felt it.

Especially the look in his eyes was completely different.

She tilted her head slightly and asked very alertly, "How are you?"

"Very good!" Feng Chenglin slowly opened his arms and said in a leisurely tone: "Now, I finally feel... why all of you have such... arrogance , they are all so unattainable!”

Ling Luoyu's eyes darkened and he began to back away: "We are not as arrogant and unattainable as you said!"

Gu Lan noticed something strange about her and couldn't help but tilted his head and asked with his eyes: ...What is this for?

As the saying goes, if you lose, you don't lose!

The confrontation hasn't even started yet, but have you already started to lose your aura?

Who knows, Ling Luoyu gave him a look: "Didn't you hear people say that we were once unattainable..."

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