Princess Against the World

Chapter 7431 Run away first-11

Even if they had fought for Aurora, they would not have been able to detect his motives in such a short period of time, so they would be wary of him at all times, or even treat him coldly.

It seems that the contradiction between them has long been deep-rooted.

But it was obviously the first time they met.

It was obviously a conflict that had just occurred.

How could it be that there was so much bitterness and hatred, and it was so difficult to reconcile?

Unless the conflict between them has been planted long ago.

Moreover, it has reached the point of no return.

Gu Lan's mind raced, and he worked hard to pull out the most critical thread from the chaos in his mind.

——Under what circumstances would such a result occur?

It's absolutely impossible for us to be so bitter and resentful when we first met!

The only explanation is that they know each other!

And it's the kind of understanding of "deep friendship".

We have known each other for a long time! !

It's just that this "understanding"... isn't very friendly! !

Only in this way can we perfectly explain why Feng Chenglin looked at him with such hatred when he saw him.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, how is this possible?"

He said it was impossible, but Gu Lan knew it clearly in his heart.

This thing is very possible.

"The two of them... have known me for a long time! But they don't look very old, and I have no impression of seeing them before..."

It is understandable if a person has no impression after seeing it.

It makes no sense that he has seen both of them, but he has forgotten them both, without any memory.

The only explanation is that he has never met these two people.

So, how did they develop such bitter hatred against him? !

The answer can only be——

time and space.

The crossing of time and space.

Gu Lan set up a very bold idea in his mind: ...the two of them must have met and gotten along with him in a certain period of time and space.

It's just that in this time and space period, for now, he is still unknown.

Under what circumstances would he not know that he was meeting them?


There is only the future! !

Gu Lan tried to calm down.

Two people from the future may be right in front of you.

He had to watch their every move.

Because what they do may be the key to changing his future.

At this time, Feng Chenglin was about to collapse.

He tried all his methods, but couldn't throw Aurora away.

That guy had completely defeated him.

"Third Young Master, didn't you also say that if you want to break the contract with such a divine weapon, one party will only die?"

Now, is he going to go down this road?

Ling Luoyu sunk his eyes: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, it won't be so easy for you to die..."

"That is not bad……"

Fengcheng Lin just breathed a sigh of relief when Ling Luoyu's voice came over.

"At most, I'll just peel off a layer of your skin and turn you into a useless person. You can go home and slowly cultivate yourself!"

Feng Chenglin: "..."

Just know that things are not that simple.

"I'm at my wits end. If you have a way, do it!"

"Let go of your consciousness and let me in!"

Aurora has recognized his master, and if he wants to enter his space, he must be recognized by his master.

Who knows——

"Ouch!" Feng Chenglin suddenly frowned.

That guy from Jiguang actually... objected to Ling Luoyu entering his space! !

Immediately, he was happy again!

be opposed to?

It’s good to object!

The more this guy objects, the more afraid he is of Lin Luoyu.

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