Princess Against the World

Chapter 7477 Nemesis-16

At this time, Lingyu will definitely not run out of things to talk to.

There must be something wrong with him.

It's just a simple space artifact, so it shouldn't make him hesitate to speak like this.

Lingyu licked his lips and glanced at Feng Chenglin with some guilt: "...Me?"

Feng Chenglin was furious: "Why are you looking at me like this? It's like I don't want to talk to you. I didn't block your mouth, so you can just say what you want?!"

Spiritual realm: "..."

He wanted to say it, but he was afraid that just like now, he would slap him before he even said anything.

Ling Luoyu patted Feng Chenglin's arm again: "Shut up!"

Feng Chenglin shut his mouth obediently, but his eyes were unfriendly, staring aggressively at the spiritual realm.

Ling Luoyu couldn't stand it anymore and asked him to make the bed in preparation for rest.

After he left, Lingyu seemed to relax and spoke.

"Actually, I don't know if I should talk about this, but I thought it would be okay for us to be idle now. Maybe, it might be of some use..."

The other people all looked at him, really wondering what he was going to say.

Lingyu thought carefully for a while: "Because, what I saw at that time was too messy, and I was not sure whether it was what I saw with my own eyes, or whether what I saw just now was just a mirage. It’s an illusion…”

After a pause, he raised his eyes and said every word seriously.

"I doubt that...that thing is a space!"

Ling Luoyu didn't understand what he was talking about for a while: "What space? Have you encountered a space?"

The pained face of the spirit realm: "I'm talking about that... person!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

Lingyu became more and more helpless: "I said it. If I say it, you will definitely not believe it!"

But that’s the reality.

"At that time, before I entered the space we were in just now, I saw a bunch of messy things, because the space around me changed too fast. Although I didn't see it clearly, I could tell that there should be a... …”

Lingyu hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to describe what he saw.

"Anyway, there are mountains, water, flowers and grass there..."

Except for Ling Luoyu, several other people looked at him as if they were idiots.

One of them couldn't help but twitched: "Are you talking about a person...??"

On a person, you can still see... landscapes, flowers and plants? ?

What was he looking at?

What a miracle!

Lingyu smiled awkwardly: "Look, I'm just telling you. If I tell you, you won't believe it..."

Who knows, Ling Luoyu nodded firmly: "I believe you!"

Everyone: "..."

Believe him! ?

Although they have no malicious intent, such unbelievable things really have no credibility.

"Miss Ling, how can a person... have anything to do with mountains and rivers?"

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways: "Why not? As long as there is space, it is fine!"

For these people who have never really been exposed to space, they cannot imagine that a space can form a world on its own.

Ling Luoyu's affirmation gave Lingyu great support.

His expression relaxed: "At the beginning, I didn't think so much, but after what happened just now, I suddenly remembered that what I saw should also be a space, but... I just didn't understand, what I saw Why are all the things that arrived suddenly gone?!"

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