Princess Against the World

Chapter 748 Chapter 762 You dare not

Erhan took a deep breath, looked at her calmly, and sat down.

"Ling San, do you know that I have countless ways to get you to tell me!"

Ling Luoyu raised her eyes slightly, met his eyes, and smiled wryly.

"But I also know, you dare not!!"

The tea was crushed little by little under her fingertips.

"Because this is your only chance to come back!! If you lose this chance, you will never be able to take another step higher in this life!"

The muscles on Erhan's face trembled wildly, making his face even more ferocious.

"Believe it or not, I will have someone arrest you right now, torture you, and make your life worse than death!!"

Ling Luoyu stepped forward, her eyes were as fierce as a blade.

"Then believe it or not, I will sell the news to your opponent... make your life worse than death, do you regret it?!"


The armrest of the chair in Erhan's hand was instantly crushed by him.

"You threatened me!?"



Ling Luoyu looked indifferent, sat down calmly, picked up a refreshment again, and took a light bite.

"General Er, you can have someone arrest me right now, and see if it will be of any use to extract a confession by torture! Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you...I even told one of my partners this news ! If I don't come out within half an hour, then he will spread the news... If General Er doesn't believe it, we can try it!!"

Erhan's pupils shrank again, and his breathing became much calmer.

"Okay, tell me! What are you going to do?!"

"I've already said, I want Ling Yunfeng's head!"

Erhan's eyes closed slowly: "Okay! As long as you give me Ling Yunfeng, I won't care about his life or death after I finish my job!"

Ling Luoyu blinked her eyes, with a dazed look on her face.

"General Er, have you misunderstood?! What I want is not the real head of Ling Yunfeng, but a fake one!!"

Erhan stood up abruptly: "What did you say?"

Ling Luoyu looked even more innocent: "What's the matter? You exchanged a fake Ling Yunfeng's head for the real Ling Yunfeng... You won't suffer!"

Erhan took two steps back, and looked at Ling Luoyu vigilantly.

"What the hell are you? How can I trust your words?!"

Ling Luoyu tore off the military badge from his neck, put it on the table with a "snap", and slowly pushed it over.

When he saw the military badge, Erhan took a breath and subconsciously took two steps back.

He is the Commander in Command, so of course he knows what this military card means.

When I cut off the fake Ling Yunfeng's head, I rummaged through him, but there was no trace of the military badge.

"General, what is this, you should know better than me?!"

Erhan's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his eyes trembled slightly as he looked at the military badge in horror.

For him, seeing cards is like meeting people.

In the confrontation between the enemy forces back then, Ling Yunfeng's general demeanor could already frighten them all.

Now, just his military badge is here, which still makes his heart tremble.

"You... how do you have this military badge?!"

"His name is Mao Xie, and he is a member of Ling Yunfeng's 100-man Guards! He has the most imaginable figure and temperament with Ling Yunfeng, so it is difficult for ordinary foreign enemies to distinguish their authenticity! Back then, he died for Ling Yunfeng, making the Ling Yunfeng felt guilty and restless, so he found his family and took care of him incognito!!"

Ling Luoyu tapped the military badge with her fingertips, and stood up abruptly.

"But for his family, how could they tolerate his incomplete body, buried in a foreign land?!"

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