Princess Against the World

Chapter 7481 Nemesis-20

The blood in Lingyu's mouth was vomiting at this time.

Inexplicably, I felt a chill on my back, which made me shiver.

When he looked up, he met Feng Chenglin's eyes.

His heart trembled suddenly, and he quickly shrank back: "No, haven't they already been beaten?"

But, look at his eyes...

Why are you still so hostile, as if you want to kill someone and silence them? !

Feng Chenglin twitched his mouth, ignored his cowardice, and turned to Ling Luoyu.

"Don't you think this is a bad idea?"

Ling Luoyu nodded: "I think so!"

Feng Chenglin also nodded: "Okay! As long as you, Ling Luoyu, think it's a bad idea, it's worth a try!"

He turned around and kicked Lingyu.

"Boy, what a great idea!"

Spiritual Realm: "...??"

What does this mean?

Those who praise him, or those who hurt him? !

The looks in Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin's eyes didn't look like they were joking.

"You, you...what are you going to do?"

Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes evilly: "I'll help you!"

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes: "Of course I will make your wishes come true!"

Spiritual Realm: "...??"

Seeing the confused look on his face, Feng Chenglin wrapped his arms around his shoulders and patted him hard.

"Now, I have figured it out, and I decided to sacrifice myself to save you, and you, all of you..."

Lingyu struggled subconsciously and avoided him: "Feng, Brother Feng, I just said it, it was all a joke, not what I really thought. Besides, you have already beaten me, and I know it. Wrong, why do you need to ridicule me like this again?"

When I talked about it later, my face was full of grievances.

As the saying goes, you can kill with just a nod of the head.

He has admitted his mistake and learned a lesson.

Why are they still laughing at him about this matter? !

Who knew...

Feng Chenglin rubbed his face and glanced at Ling Luoyu: "The way I looked just now, was I very careless?"

Ling Luoyu nodded and smiled without saying a word.

Before Lingyu could react, Feng Chenglin suddenly jumped up, grabbed him by the collar, pulled him close, slapped him in the face, and roared loudly.

"Listen carefully to me. I want to be a hero. I want to be the kind of hero who sacrifices himself to save you scumbags. I want to be a hero who saves the world. Do you understand?"

Lingyu nodded uneasily.

I understand, but I don’t understand what he means, okay?

"Brother Feng, you...are you kidding?"

Feng Chenglin suddenly frowned: "What's the matter? Is it because my face is naturally cheerful and I don't look like the material to be a hero?"

Lingyu shook his head hastily: "Of course not..."

After a pause, he realized something was wrong.

"I mean, you... you are a hero, but..."

But he still doesn't understand!

What are these two people going to do? !

Feng Chenglin still roared twice, but Ling Luoyu patted his back and pulled him away.

"Okay, with all your dilly-dallying, you won't be able to explain it until tomorrow morning!"

He hooked his fingers and called the others.

"I think you all should already know what we mean, right?!"

The others couldn't help but glance at each other.

"Miss Ling, you, you..."

"Isn't this too risky?"

"If you don't get it right, it will be self-defeating..."


Ling Luoyu lowered his eyes: "Then do you have any other ideas?"

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