Princess Against the World

Chapter 7486 Serial Bureau-5

"How...are you going to lure me?"

Qi Ling spoke.

Lingyu and the others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Just ask, just ask.

As long as this guy opens his mouth, a gap can be opened.

After Lingyu told his plan once, he felt worried and worried that he might have missed it, so he recalled the plan given by Ling Luoyu and said it again.

Qi Ling has been listening quietly without speaking.

Until Lingyu finished speaking, he had no expression.

Seeing him like this, Lingyu couldn't help but feel uncertain: "Well... what do you think of this plan?"

The weapon spirit remained silent.

Several other people couldn't help but look at each other.

For a moment, I felt that things were a little subtle.

Ling Luoyu just told them to follow this plan.

But she didn't say, what should they do if the weapon spirit doesn't follow this plan?

It's over, it's over, it's too careless!

They didn't even think of a way out.

Now that the weapon spirit is silent, they dare not make a sound.

He could only stare with big eyes and lowered his head.

Even the sight of the weapon spirit, no one dared to touch it easily.

I was afraid that he would suddenly take me out alone to ask questions at his whim.

By then, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, the weapon spirit responded quickly.


This answer made everyone happy and relieved.

According to the plan, the others stayed here and returned from the spiritual realm, deliberately showing off in front of Ling Luoyu and Feng Chenglin.

As for Feng Chenglin, he also "fell" according to the plan.

As soon as he looked at the spiritual realm, he was furious: "How dare you come back? Believe it or not, I'll behead you right now?!"

Holding a 1.8-meter machete in his hand, he chased towards the spiritual realm with great momentum.

After Linyu hurriedly resisted for a while, he fled back in embarrassment according to the plan.

Soon, Feng Chenglin introduced the "ambush circle" they had set up.

The ambush circle was more like a fascination array, with Feng Chenglin spinning around in circles while shouting.

"Come out here, you guy. If you can, don't hide. Let's have a good fight one on one!"

Lingyu ran up to the weapon spirit and asked for credit: "That guy is trapped now, should you send us away?"

The weapon spirit turned his head and looked at Feng Chenglin in the enchantment formation.

The corners of his mouth seemed to quirk up and he smiled.

Then: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

The smiling face of Danren in the Spiritual Realm froze instantly.

--damn it!

——Things seem to be wrong!

The weapon spirit continued to sneer: "Although there are many injuries on your body, none of them are fatal... With the cultivation level of the two of them, if they want to kill you, they only need to move their fingers!"

Why is it necessary to leave so many wounds on them?

Lingyu subconsciously looked at Feng Chenglin and slowly stepped back: "Do you want to break your promise?"

"To people like you, I don't need to fulfill my promise!" Qi Ling looked down at his hands: "It's just a simple trick, can it deceive me? I advise you to play this kind of game again next time When the time comes, at serious!"

His hands suddenly reached out and grabbed two people.

Visible to the naked eye, the bodies of the two people withered rapidly.

Lingyu cursed loudly, turned around and ran away.

But no matter how fast he moves, he can't escape the killing move of the spiritual realm.

Under the strong suction, he felt the sharp nails on his back digging into his body.

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