Princess Against the World

Chapter 7497 Serial Bureau-16

Facing the accusation, Gu Lan was not embarrassed at all, but seemed very calm.

"I know you won't believe me, but you can think about it from your perspective. If I really have that kind of ability... that can control you even, I will be bored enough to tease you in this chess game. ?"

His eyes wandered wildly over Ling Luoyu.

"I think my feelings for Miss Ling have been very clear from the beginning to the end!"

Ling Luoyu stared coldly, and a smile faded from the corners of his lips: "Mr. Gu, what kind of cards are you trying to play?"

Feng Chenglin chuckled: "You're going to come here to do misfortune to gain sympathy, right?"

Gu Lan sighed helplessly: "Feng Chenglin, you are also a man. Think about it for a moment. If you were me, what would you do?"

Feng Chenglin raised his eyebrows and did not answer.

This is the answer that any man would think of.

Gu Lan smiled and said, "Although you don't say it, we all know very well that if I really have that ability, Miss Ling, do you think you can escape my grasp?"

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways, and a broken light faded out from the end of his eyes: "I will kill you!"

Gu Lan: "..."

Ling Luoyu: "Go on, continue to defend yourself, we really want to know, what other tricks can you pull off?"

So far, it can be said that things that are true and false can be said over and over again in his mouth.

Now, they want to see how he can turn black into white again?

Feng Chenglin also responded with a mocking smile: "Yeah, tell me, let's see how you can't help yourself this time!"

Faced with the two people's accusations, Gu Lan remained calm-faced.

"If I really have the ability to destroy the world, then, Miss Ling, if I threaten you with Mo Xuanchen's life, what will you do?"

He turned around and smiled indifferently.

"Are you obeying me or rejecting me?"

Ling Luoyu was unmoved: "I still said the same thing, I will kill you!"

Gu Lan shrugged: "If that time really comes, you will save him at all costs!"

This is what he knows about Ling Luoyu.

"Just like Mo Xuanchen will try his best to save you, Miss Ling, you will try your best to save him... So at that time, I could do whatever I wanted to you and do whatever I wanted, but I didn't ……Why?"

Ling Luoyu looked at him indifferently: "Are you going to tell me that you don't have this ability?"

Gu Lan opened his arms and seemed to be hugging the surroundings: "If it were in the past, when I still had those ultimate powers, I could indeed do whatever I wanted, just like creating this wandering soul world, it was just a matter of a snap of a finger. …”

He slowly closed his eyes, seeming to recall the glory of the past.

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes at him: "What about now? Are you down now? Aren't you also very prosperous in this world of wandering spirits? The two of us were toyed with by you, and we almost lost our lives. Is it over there?”

Gu Lan clenched his hands and waved them vigorously in the air.

"If you had seen me at my peak in the past, you wouldn't have ridiculed me like this?"

Feng Chenglin was very unhappy: "It sounds like you have lost your peak moment. What's the matter? Has your peak moment been stolen by someone? You are not thinking that you want us to help you take your peak moment. Can you steal it back again?!"

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