Princess Against the World

Chapter 7502 The Fat Man Seeking Death-1

The address on the small card is easy to find.

They just asked two beggars and found the place easily.

It is an exclusive courtyard with beautiful scenery and high walls.

The beggar who received the reward kindly reminded him.

"You two had better pay attention. The women here are very weird. Sometimes they blow us away before we even get close!"

Feng Chenglin rolled his eyes: "It's not you guys who did something embarrassing that made this girl scared, right?"

The beggar was unhappy for a moment: "Look at your little brother, what are you talking about? It's like we are all shameless hooligans. Although we are beggars, we have a bottom line!"

Lifting up his pants, which were about to fall to his knees, he looked serious.

"When we beg, we just beg and never do anything else!"

That expression looked like he was insulted by Feng Chenglin.

"It's useless for me to kindly remind you what to pay attention to. It's like a dog biting Lu Dongbin and not knowing a good heart!"

Angrily, he turned and left.

Feng Chenglin looked at Ling Luoyu: "I don't think I said anything, right?"

Why are you so angry? !

Ling Luoyu flew up and skimmed the courtyard wall.

Before he could stand still, a girl's shout came.

"Who is that person? Get out of here!"

Then, there were two whistling sticks.

Ling Luoyu was forced and returned to his original position.

Feng Chenglin was about to stand up, but froze instantly: "Third Young Master, what are you doing?"

He almost doubled over.

Ling Luoyu rolled his eyes at him: "What are you talking about? Didn't you hear the loud noise?"

Feng Chenglin was still confused: "What's the sound?"

Ling Luoyu: "...didn't you hear the sound of me being driven away?"

Feng Chenglin shook his head seriously: "I heard what I wanted, am I still ready to go up? My waist almost jumped!"

Ling Luoyu: "..."

That's not right.

Is there a barrier on the wall?

But she didn't feel like a barrier at all.

Feng Chenglin: "Third Young Master?"

Ling Luoyu glanced sideways: "How about you go up and try?"

Feng Chenglin suddenly twitched his mouth: "Just go up!"

Even in the dragon's pond and the tiger's den, he can still come and go freely.

Are you still afraid of a small courtyard wall?

At the moment, he leaped forward.

Different from Ling Luoyu.

Ling Luoyu stood on the wall and looked around quietly.

And what about Feng Chenglin?

Without any hesitation, he flew directly over the courtyard wall and entered the courtyard.

Ling Luoyu had an ominous premonition inexplicably: "Fat man, Fat man, to be honest, why do I feel... you seem to be seeking death?"

She was standing on someone's courtyard wall, but was even driven off with two sticks.

Feng Chenglin entered the courtyard of the house, not knowing what kind of reception he would receive.

When I was thinking about whether I should go in and catch Feng Chenglin.


There was the sound of the courtyard door opening.


"Don't hit me, don't hit me. Sisters, don't hit me. It's true. I broke into your house by accident. I didn't mean it. Really, really, I really didn't mean it..."

Along with Feng Chenglin's begging for mercy, there was the sound of fists hitting the flesh.

Ling Luoyu's original intention of going over to rescue him was gone in an instant.

This kind of pure physical punching method is to make him suffer a little.

It won't kill him.

If that's the case, let him suffer a little!

Let’s see if he will behave like this in the future.

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