Princess Against the World

Chapter 7511 The Fat Man Seeking Death-10

Ling Luoyu's eyes suddenly darkened: "If... you are not using me to kill you, then you are using my hand to get rid of a problem..."

Mo Xishu slapped his leg suddenly: "It's him!"

Ling Luoyu was stunned: "Right?"

Mo Xishu didn't answer, but continued to pat his leg.

Only then did Ling Luoyu realize: "The murderer who hurt you?? Gu Lan wants me to kill... the murderer who hurt you??"

Mo Xishu said that that person's cultivation level was much higher than hers.

Then you will die if you go there!

Gu Lan really looked up to her! !

Ling Luoyu: "He knows that once I find out who the person who hurt you is, I will never stand idly by..."

Therefore, this situation was carefully set up.

He probably didn't expect that Mo Xishu would not reveal the identity of that person in order to protect her.

Feng Chenglin didn't know what was going on at all, so he stepped forward and said, "Grandma, are you injured? Who is that person? Tell us and we will take care of him!"

Ling Luoyu: "Even Gu Lan can't deal with it. If you want to use my hand to get rid of someone... can you deal with them?"

Feng Chenglin didn't take it seriously: "Nonsense, that Gu Lan is not a fool. If you can't kill him, why bother sending you there?" Why do you want to borrow that guy's hand to kill you? ?”

After a few words, Ling Luoyu's heart suddenly moved.

"That's wrong...Does Gu Lan think that I can kill that person, so he wants to use me to kill him, or...does he want to use that person's hand to get rid of me?"

Mo Xishu lowered his head and said nothing.

Since Gu Lan set up such a trap to lure Ling Luoyu over, it meant that he must know who the person who hurt him was.

Now that you know, why not tell her directly?

Why bother using her mouth?

Ling Luoyu saw her suspicion: "Grandma, Gu Lan, if he takes one step and thinks ten steps, his current path must have been planned after careful consideration!"

Mo Xishu nodded: "Yes, this is the most terrifying thing, because now we can't catch his little thoughts at all!"

Feng Chenglin once again interjected: "Grandma, although I don't know what you two are talking about, I think that there is nothing you can do about Gu Lan. You want to recruit him first. If that's the case, why don't we meet? What about recruitment and demolition?"

Mo Xishu and Ling Luoyu suddenly looked at each other.

Showing off at a glance? !

Feng Chenglin: "If he takes a step, let's take a step too. Let's deal with it first..."

Mo Xishu smiled: "This kid has a good idea. Since you can't figure it out, then don't pay attention to him. Anyway, now that he has made us meet, let's have a good time reminiscing about the past!"

She was still thinking about whether she could wait for Mo Xuanchen or Ling Luoyu while she was still alive.

Therefore, she had explained her funeral affairs before.

If she dies, then these people under her and everything she owns will be handed over to Mo Xuanchen or Ling Luoyu.

This is also why other people reacted like that after hearing Ling Luoyu's name.

Fortunately, she met Ling Luoyu while she was still alive.

Ling Luoyu re-examined her wound. Because the wound was ulcerated and had not healed for a long time, Mo Xishu's breath was so weak.

Although she has a magic elixir that can heal her injuries.

But after all, the body cannot be regenerated.

In this life, she will never be able to stand up again.

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