Princess Against the World

Chapter 7519 Fatty Feng seeking death-18

Dingmiao was about to vomit blood: "Since you don't want it, why don't you go up by yourself? What do you mean by dragging me along?"

"Me? Don't I have limited conditions?" Feng Chenglin sighed helplessly: "The most important thing is that other people don't like me!"

Dingmiao sneered: "Stop talking nonsense. Are there any girls who look down on you?"

"Why not?" Feng Chenglin said seriously, pointing behind him: "That, our Miss Ling, she looks down on me!"

Dingmiao: "..."

That’s what I said!

There are probably not many men in the world who can catch her eye.

At that moment, he gritted his teeth in annoyance: "I heard what you mean, it seems that Miss Ling still likes me!"

"Of course she likes you. Otherwise, why would she choose you to do such a difficult thing?"


After Feng Chenglin deceived him like this, Ding Miao didn't know what to say to him for a while.

At that moment, he gritted his teeth and smiled: "Don't think that I will go if you fool me like this. Anyway, no matter what you say, even if you say nothing, I won't go... If you say no, I won't go!"

He said it firmly and with a serious look on his face.

Feng Chenglin was neither anxious nor annoyed: "Brother, did you make a mistake? Now it's not me asking you to go, but our Miss Ling asking you to go!"

Dingmiao was silent for a while!

Ling Luoyu's meaning was already obvious.

He also has a name, and I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time.

However, I always feel extremely awkward: "Let's, let's think about it again, maybe, maybe we can think of other ways?"

Feng Chenglin: "The other way is to sacrifice my appearance..."

Dingmiao: "..."

Feng Chenglin: "But the result of my going will definitely not be as good as yours! Therefore, your mission today is a long way to go..."

Part cajoling, part coercion.

Dingmiao was pushed by him and sent into the girls' yard.

Before entering the courtyard, Dingmiao's body began to stiffen inexplicably.

"No, no, I, I can't..."

Dingmiao said while retreating in panic.

His face was pale and colorless, as if he was about to be pushed to the guillotine.

However, Feng Chenglin grabbed his arm tightly, followed his movements, turned around, and pushed him back.

"Miao, you are a man. How can you say you are not good as a man? You are good, you are good, you are better than anyone else..."

Dingmiao was so nervous that his whole body was trembling: "You, Feng Chenglin, stop talking nonsense, I, I didn't mean what I said!"

Feng Chenglin didn't care what he meant.

He didn't want to know clearly: "No matter what you mean, it won't work. Anyway, we men, no matter what the circumstances, can never say that we can't do it!!"

"But I..."

"No but, but what?" Feng Chenglin ignored Dingmiao's shouts and pushed him directly through the door: "Even if you can't do it, now you have to do it even if you can't do it!"

Dingmiao was pushed into the courtyard.


The gate is closed!

For a while, it was difficult to get off the tiger from the Ding Temple.

It’s not about leaving, it’s not about staying!

I had no choice but to grit my teeth and walk towards the hospital.

When I was thinking about how to talk to the first girl, I met Sanduo head-on.

When she saw Dingmiao, she was startled: "Why are you here?"

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