Princess Against the World

Chapter 7529 Let’s have some face-8

Blinking his eyes, he winked at Ling Luoyu: "So, we still have a chance to make a comeback!"

Ling Luoyu knew that he wanted to give the temple a boost in ambition.

"Don't worry, with the two of us here, nothing will happen to you!"

Dingmiao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Are you telling me that if something happens, you two will stand in front of me?"

Feng Chenglin chuckled: "If you understand it this way, I won't stop you."

Dingmiao shook his head helplessly: "I'm not afraid of death, nor am I timid. I'm just thinking about this matter can it end safely!"

Now, Gu Lanke was sitting outside the gate, watching them eagerly.

Once the time comes, he will definitely rush in and snatch the box.

So what do they do?

Could it be...

Just sitting here, waiting for things to develop? !

Feng Chenglin looked disapproving: "Otherwise, what else can we do? We can't just rush out and fight with that guy first, right?"

"Why not?" Ling Luoyu interrupted him unexpectedly: "Since you clearly know that he is there, why are you still hiding here?"

Feng Chenglin gritted his teeth: "That's it, we can take the initiative to teach that guy a lesson, but..."

To be honest, the premise of this lesson is that you can beat others.

Otherwise, when he rushes out, he greets others with bared teeth and claws.

The final result was that he was beaten with a bruised nose and face, and was beaten into a pig's head.

Wouldn't that be even more embarrassing?

Dingmiao did not agree with his statement: "Even if we don't take the initiative and provoke him, will he let us go? In the end, won't he rush in and have a big fight with us?"

In short, in a word, the fight between them and Gu Lan must be fought.

It's just a matter of time.

Maybe they made the first move, or maybe Gu Lan made the first move.

In the end result, there is no difference.

Ling Luoyu shook his head with a half-smile: "What I mean is that this matter may not be what we thought!"

Feng Chenglin and Dingmiao turned to look at her at the same time, wondering what she was talking about.

Ling Luoyu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "I mean, we have confused the point!"

She hooked her fingers and smiled at Dingmiao: "Maybe his target is you, but what he's worried about is not whether you opened the box or not?"

Dingmiao couldn't help but frowned: "I, why didn't I understand?"

Could it be that Gu Lan didn't come here for this box?

Ling Luoyu shook his finger again: "He wants something, otherwise he wouldn't have set up such a trap, waiting for us to fall into the trap, but there is no conflict between wanting this thing and whether you dare to come in and grab it... …”

Feng Chenglin became more and more confused as he listened: "You mean he doesn't dare to snatch things from our... hands?"

That's not right!

In the situation just now, Gu Lan seemed determined to win.

He didn't show any fear or fear at all.

Ling Luoyu pointed to the courtyard: "It's not us he's afraid of, but the people here!"

Feng Chenglin followed his finger and turned to look, becoming more and more confused: "You, didn't you just say that the old lady of the Mo family is not Gu Lan's opponent?"

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