Princess Against the World

Chapter 7537 Let’s have some face-16

Lu Ming didn't answer, just turned his head and looked at him with subtle eyes.

The subordinate trembled all over and immediately replied: "The mark on this paper has been investigated by my subordinates. It is the highest-level mark specific to the Miao family. The people who know and use this type of mark should be the ones in those years." A fish that slipped through the net..."

Lu Ming then looked back with satisfaction: "If that's the case, you must know what to do?"

This time, his subordinates did not dare to be vague: "Master, don't worry, I have placed spies around them. As long as they take action, we will definitely be able to follow the clues..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Ming turned to look at him again.

This time, there was more anger in his eyes: "You have been with me for so many years, why are you still so stupid?"

The subordinates were extremely frightened and quickly knelt down on the ground: "Master, what you said... I really don't understand. Master, please make it clear."

Lu Ming shook his head angrily: "What an idiot. They gave me soup, and I gave them flowers in return... Since they gave me such an important thing, we must treat them with enough sincerity!" "

Only then did the subordinate realize it, and asked cautiously: "Then, the subordinate will ask someone to...please, let them come over?"

Seeing that Lu Ming didn't refuse, he understood and quickly sent someone to bring Feng Chenglin who had brought the box.

Who knows, those who went will come back soon.

He came back alone: ​​"Brother Zhao, that boy is very arrogant. He said that we had neglected him before, and he also said..."

He glanced at Zhao Xi and hesitated to say what he wanted to say.

Zhao Xi's face was full of displeasure: "If you have something to say, just say it, if you have something to say, let it go. Why are you hesitating?"

The master is still there waiting to see someone.

The man lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes: "That guy said, what did you say about him, just say that about yourself..."

Zhao Xi: "..."

Before, when Feng Chenglin came to see him with a box and said he had a gift for him, he was quite happy.

However, when I saw that the "gift" was an ordinary wooden box, I became furious.

He angrily pushed Feng Chenglin, told him to push him out of the door, and threw the box heavily to the ground.

Then, he stepped on his feet angrily.

Although there was no box to crush, he still let out the cruel words: "Where did you come from, country bumpkin? Give me this thing, get out, get out, get away as far as you can. If you don't know how to get out, I will ask my brother to help you get out..."

At that time, Feng Chenglin just looked at him coldly and sneered: "Are you sure you want to give up this opportunity that will allow you... to get promoted and make a fortune?"

Saying this, Zhao Xi felt a thump in his heart.

He is Lu Ming's right-hand man. Although he is not the most favored one, he can still shoulder important responsibilities.

This man came to him with something and said he wanted to give it as a gift. He must have known his status.

Since he knew his status, the things he sent would not be too vague.

Because he should know the consequences of giving a too embarrassing gift.

Thinking about it this way, Zhao Xi became wiser.

After looking at Feng Chenglin for a long time, he finally picked up the box.

After taking a closer look, I realized that this box was something special—it actually had the contact mark of the Miao people on it.

And they are still among the elite class!

In this way, this box is really a treasure that can help him get promoted and make a fortune.

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