Princess Against the World

Chapter 7541 Let’s have some face-20

Lu Ming suddenly took action and strangled his neck fiercely: "If that's the case, wouldn't it be better if I kill you and get the box again!?"

Feng Chenglin didn't resist, but looked into his eyes very proudly: "If you could keep your word, my head would have been moved long ago!"

Lu Ming glanced at Zhao Xi calmly. Zhao Xi understood and immediately came forward to search Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin didn't struggle and let him touch it here and there: "I told you two, are you kidding me? Since I'm here, I can't bring that thing with me, otherwise, I'll give it to you. , what’s the difference?”

Lu Ming didn't expect to find anything.

Seeing Zhao Xi shaking his head, he sneered calmly: "I know you won't bring anything with you, but I can also be sure that you don't have anything with you!"

Feng Chenglin didn't react for a moment: "...what?"

What do you mean he has nothing on him?

What does this guy want to find in him?

Lu Ming's coldness deepened and he quietly raised his hand.

Zhao Xi suddenly took a step back and ordered loudly: "Come here!"

Following his shout, dozens of guards rushed out.

There are three layers inside and three layers outside, surrounded by Feng Chenglin.

Feng Chenglin hehe: "Master Lu Ming, you can't find it, so you have to snatch it away, right? I told you, that thing is not on me!"

Zhao Xi smiled sinisterly: "It doesn't matter if the thing is not on you, as long as it is on your little friend!"

Feng Chenglin: "...??"

Lu Ming violently threw him away and threw him to the guards: "Keep him under close guard. No one is allowed to see him. Even a fly is not allowed to fly in front of him without my order!"

Following his order, dozens of long swords were unsheathed and pointed at Feng Chenglin.

As long as he dares to move, he will be immediately poked into a hornet's nest.

Only then did Feng Chenglin realize that the reason Lu Ming said there was nothing on him was entirely because... the other party wanted to put him under house arrest.

Zhao Xi walked up to him proudly: "Tell me, who should I send a message to so that he can take something in exchange for your life?!"

Feng Chenglin chuckled: "Who told you that my life must be exchanged for others?!"

Zhao Xi spat at him: "Boy, are you still so crazy now?! If you don't let others give you something in exchange, can you still escape on your own?"

Feng Chenglin wiped the saliva from his face and his eyes turned ferocious: "No matter whether I can escape or not, remember, you owe me a life. Once I have the chance, I will kill you with my own hands!"

There was a murderous look in his eyes.

Zhao Xi was shocked when he saw him, and subconsciously took a step back, trembling with excitement.

Thinking of Lu Ming behind him, Zhao Xi realized that he could not lose his aura.

Otherwise, how can we get along in the future?

At that moment, he straightened his back and laughed exaggeratedly: "Okay! Then I want to see how you can find an opportunity to kill me with your own hands!"

With a wave of his hand, he ordered people to take Feng Chenglin down.

Turning around, he saluted Lu Ming respectfully: "Master, do you want me to let the news out?"

Lu Ming shook his head: "There is no need to spread the word. Once the news is released, I will definitely know that the master is in our hands. When the time comes, there will be unnecessary trouble! Just wait, someone will come again!"

Anyway, Feng Chenglin is in their hands.

If the other party wanted Feng Chenglin to survive, he would definitely come forward to negotiate with him again.

If that's the case, it's better to stay calm and respond to the ever-changing situation, and see what the other party's next move will be.

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